Wednesday, October 7, 2009

41 days

spm is only 41 days away..n my preparation is only 50%..oh my god... i'm being so lazy to study...have no idea..but forcing myself to cover everything again..haizz..

i'm in deep SORROW NOW!!!!!!!!!!:(

Saturday, October 3, 2009

3 months..or more...

talk bout being lazy..i am top...hahaha...
after long time i'm back..
just felt like bloging....weird though..haizz...
trials are over!!!!!!!!!!so happy..but not with my result...
finally got myself A for it the max!!!!!!!!!even it is oni an A2..apa aku kisah..asalkan A.

hello are you??long time no see...i know..i'm being weird...
school is goin to over very soon..n my graduation day is so soooooooooooooooooooooon.... gona miss being with my frens..eating in class..kacauing teachers... oh class teacher is pregnant..n she got married!!!!!!!!wakakakakakaka...... here i am..sitting infront..blogin...n so bored....gotta go back studying now...english...hahahahaha....

till then bye!!!

p.s. i got selected for NATIONAL SERVICE..n i DONT want to go...:(

Monday, July 20, 2009

had to go to SCHOOL...

SUSU thank you very much!!!!*

* i am being very very very very very SARCASTIC...

i am not suppose to go to school today..but since susu kinda wanted me to come and i did.. besides essay presentation was on today and i feel pity on pei hwa as she have to do i went..
haizz... pei hwa tak dtg susu pun tak dtg..omg.. i felt so irritated, annoyed.. everything la.. was so boring!!!!extremely.. finished my che peka!!yeah...

tuiton was as usual.. we learned fertilisation.. sadly is it imcomplete..hehehe...

just as taught of escaping school tom or wednesday.. i just got news that tom and wed is the photoshot for school magazine.. i have to go..last year man..unless i do form 6 but not in this i have to go.. cant excape... but most probably i wont be going to school on thursday..sit home n study..hehehe.better to do that way..


gotta finish my karangan if not kena lecture from pn siha.. better keep my reputation on..huhu..
till then bye....

p.s. bad kena dikejar anjing today..hahahaha..pity her.. i was just looking n i had a good laugh...hehehehe

Sunday, July 19, 2009

one month break

well well well..
one month plus..walaa....told you i'm very lazy...

SPM is just around the corner..hate it man.. my revision level is quite low..gotta stay up late i suppose..hahaha..

well,, too many things happen.. report card day went ok..mum came so i'm save.if it is my dad a big hoha would hv happened.. i am so glad report card day was over coz no more..that was my last one.. forevr...yepi!!!!!

school is on tom.. n also tuiton..physic and biology.oo man.. gotta ganti my class since i'll be heading to penang this nest weekend... go jalan2...

me and my geng made currypuff last week fri.. and the shape was fantastic...macam-macam ada...hahahaha..pau shape la straight line.. it was one of a kind.. had fun though...hehehe..

gotta hit back with my biology homework..en.rohani will start his talking if i dont do..bsides i already got my answers from tuiton so shoudn't be a prob..

so now i excuse myself..huhu..


Sunday, May 31, 2009


well well well..let me see..
urmm 3 no 20 no.. about 30 to 40 days.. after my last post..wah!!!tell me about busy life..hahahha

many things had happen so far.. my confirmation camp which was AWESOME!!!mid year examination which was BAD!!
teacher's day which went WELL. and confession and closing session which i dont know how to say..hmm whatever also life is being quite busy.. i'm occupied by many things.. and i see myself addicted to facebook which is bad... hahhahaha..very proud..
and now i am..on holidays but buried with a lot let me repeat alot of homeworks...(crying)

i'm off to bed now.. hope can blog more... till then.. bye..

p.s. before i go
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be.

Some of the greater things in life are unseen thats why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...

If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

not myself

i'm feeling lonely..
i'm feeling gloomy..
i'm not myself..
who can answer this question??
i want to stay away from everyone. but at the same time i cant...

gosh.. i'm feeling out of the world since yesterday.. no idea why... i dont feel good.. weird though.. went ts to play bowling and seriously i was not enjoying myself. just a lil laugh her and there then i'm in my won world back.. i dont know why.. not sure whether my friends noticed it or not.. but i think they did. things are not like they use to be. Am i stress? or what is it?? i'm not thinking anything but i'm thinking something.. haih...

dear readers,
very sorry for this post.. thought wana upload pics of today..(even it is just a few) but i have no mood..

going to church and got class after that dont know what is going to happen. but i gotta start preparing for my mid term now..
till then.. chiow..


Friday, April 24, 2009


finally the pond work has finished!!!
hahahaha.. hmm now i really have to concentrate on my studies...wakaka.. intervensi 2 has just finished and oh my god!!! bm was like...... tat should explain.. the result hahahah.. no idea how it is going to be...bla bla...

bowling day tom.. yepi.. wana see them play.. nickson will be joining.. sure pics will be up...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


updated version.. yeah it has been loooooooooooong time.. nearly one month.owh havent..hahaha..
well lotz of things had taken place.. let see.
1) sports day..
hahaha.. congrats to yellow house to lose again.. well atleast we werent the last.. no 3 still ok la.. saphire won.. congrats to them. lets say we let them to win la.. kesian mah.. hahahhaaha.. manage to get one medal. itu pun no 3.. apa kisah.. aslkan dpt lorh.. wakakakakaka... was extremely tired and wasnt tat sport active..duno y.. i was to lazy for tat.. hahaha...

2) good friday
the day tat christ died for me.. luv u lotz...
my sis was too sweet tat day. she came to school and pick me up early.. terima kasih.. really it was weird u did tat...

3) hari kantin/holy saturday..
gosh i wa really tired after cooking burger for hari kantin plus we had to finish our mengubahsuaikan kolam and go to church.. but it was really fun though.. we were laughing and eating burger and swimming and playing in the rain.. all are memoried man.. hahahhahaha..

4) easter..
went to church.. too holy kan.. hahahaha.. biasalakan..
went for bowling after that. i cant believe that i can play quite well.. i didnt wanted to at first but it was fun eh.. soon next game...ahahaha

5) curiculum week.
well before that a BIG thing happened.. no need to post about tat la.. lupakan saje.. heheee..
bm drama and bi drama was awesome.. we were laughing for both. it was really damn funny.. we changed basically 95% of the dramas..hahahaha.. who cares as long as we have fun..

i guess thats all. suppose go to tuiton today but was too lazy.. i guess it is ok snce it is only form 4..hahahhaha... next week must go... intervensi is on monday back to really hard studying.. less sleepinh..haish.. spm is just around the corner.. yeah i noe..

hmm back to studying after this.. my next post will be next saturday about bowling.. hahahah.. till then. chowzzzzzzzz

Sunday, March 22, 2009

nickson's 7th birthday

nickson is 7 years old today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DARLING!!!!!!!!! he is my bf btw. who cares bout the age kan..hahahahahaha.. anyway.. the party was simple n fun!!! oh yeah me n my sis woke early let say around 7.0 n chow to my elder sis place to decorate. we hang the back drop(which was prepared by me.=p), blow balloons..(the pump was useless..wasting my oxygen oni), and got the place happening sikit.. nickson didnt know that me n my sis will be there as we told him that i gotta go to tuiton n cindy got work. he was indeed suprised. he very bling bling all day long.hahaha.. his frens made the house more happening.. muzzaffar,aizan and didi.. hahaha. they are reli cute and they oni me well. biasalakan...hahahaha... pics of the day!! as if i can resist of taking pics..hahahah.. i was the photographer anyway.....
cindy busy preparing..

goodie bag section
the DECO!!!! made by ME!!!!

the cake...

the jelly cake..sedap...nak order minta no kat say yer..


the family

the aunties.. nah.frens....hahahahah..

the ladies....

his buddies...

ready t0 cut the cake..

already cut..hahahaha

his dear father this is the cake la.. cantik ryte..

the dear mom..

hahaha..cindy kena ..

a proper one

my turn..

pity the him.. he did to me and this time the revenge...hahahahah

he didnt liek it though.. but he will do after 20 years..hahahaa

he was wating fot this momment.. got himself PSP from the father.. he wanted it so much since lat year and finally he got it..according to him PSP was the best gift.obviously right

gift from the mum.. guitar..

busy playing PSP.. he really catch up very damn fast...

n tats all.. tat one talking on the phone with ____.the one read shud noe... hahahahahahha...

back to skul tom.. i dun wan to go.. ORAL!!!!!!!!! oh sheeep!!!!!!!! havent hafal.. must do it now!!wont blog tom coz got a lot of work to do.. hope leng leng reli print my oral.. u better!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!school hols are over!!!!!!well not techinically but for me it is.. it weekend already.. oh dear. monday back to school.. i dun wana go to school .back to hw and all the bla bla bla...
sis is at home.she is very sick..=(sore throat.. cannot speak.. had to be her translatter for a day.. not complaning but its quite hard to understand.. will brush up my skills..hahaha... got myself a new name..puppy!!! thx very much.....=p
after this gotta fin my work.. which is my nephew's deco.. his birthday is on sunday.. cant wait..with all the though its my birthday.. haizz..silly me..hahahaha.. well he is my boyfriend anyway..hahahah.. must be happy lorh... hahah..
my sis has become a boo freak... boo is the little girl from monster inc. the cartoon la.. i noe she is cute but my sis is really a boo freako.. she loves it alot.. hahah.. well i'm a stitch freak.. i'm proud..he is so cute.. i know he is a genetic alien from outer space but he is cute..check out my collection....lolx!!!

nice right.. i'm still out there to hunt for more..
wont blog tom i think but will on sun with pics of course.. i;m the photographer on that day.. =p
and i will take my revenge on my bro-in-law!!!you're on..hahahahaha...

the draft.. not yet complete.. check out the complete version on sunday!!=p
p.s. andre frinch jr is back..wakakakakakakkaka...thx for ur comment....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


last year during this week, i was in mssmkl and quite unexpected things happened. the unforgetble one is my injury and also something regarding love.
today officially one year my leg is lil bit cacat. thx to hurdles..hahaha.. my ankles was quite bad.anyway because of that something else which was nice happened too.=p
hahahaha,, only selected ones knew it..hahaha...
talking about love which i shoudnt..hahah.. actually i got tired of it.. weird but true it is boring!!!!
maybe because i have no intention on it anymore la..
anyway my main point here is it, if u really like someone, lets just be straight, just tell them.. doesnt really matter whether you're guy or girl. but guy do make the first move..wakakaka...
any oh yeah, dont be sad or angry or frustrated or irratated if that person deny, coz there are so many other people la.. just take it as tidak ada jodoh..hahaha.. weird why i wana post this.. seriously i duno wat to post actually..hahaha

finally i've finished my KPA paperwork.. n oh SH*T i still have oral to re-do it..haizz... to lil for my eng teacher.. haizz..knowing the fact this is my last oral, still its pressuring lorh!!!@-@

H/W are nearlly done.. but kerja kursus moral still havent start..not even one paper.. wonder wen.. including nickson's deco..haizzz...

thinking wheter i shud o shudnt attend tom's bio class.. en rohani sure will get angry but______________.
you fill in the blanks....

i go ot tak...hahaha

i shall go and sleep on my royal bed.. tat royal..nitezzzzzz

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


i was quite benggang today coz i gave my name for netball within the house but they said my name wasnt in.. so i got angry but take it calmly and said tak pe r.. korang pergi aku kat kelas.. so i was in class wit bad n were laughing until school end.. hahhaha..

talking about netball. i was in my church's netball team since lama kan.. hehehe...i enjoyed myself during those time. but the best was last year. me and mel and claudia was in too.. beside we did get new faces which was really fun!!! we rnjoyed talking laughing and playing of course.. wish i can go back. i still remember we have practice on this same day last year..haha..memories mah.. whr can forget... eventhough we didnt win and i got myself injured, but it was really fun.. loved those days..hahaha....

Monday, March 9, 2009



this quote is actually from mother is really wonderful and superb for me la. as i read each word, there is always something that will struck in my mind and my heart. weird i know..hahaha..
my friends always told me to be selfish but i refuse to do so. sometimes it good to be selfish but i does it rarely due too? i dont know..hahaha. perhaps it is my nature. so when i talk to my friends and they will actually scold me for being like.. from their opinion i'm the type that will make other happy but doesnt care bout myself. i know we shouldnt do that often but hey you cant change the nature right. i do get angry at times but after telling it loud or cry a little bit by myself or infront of friends i will forget about it. i will re think of what happened and take it as one of the life's challenge..haha.. i'm freakshly talking crap..

anyway, back to school after two days MC..haha.. so i was on hols for 5 right.. i'm so bloody lazy to go back tom.. sigh.. had to.. dah lah maths 2 masa.. followed by add m3 2 masa.. oh dear... maths gona sleep and add m3 have to wake up.. hahahah...

till then.. showzz....i mean chowzzz...hahah.. typing error.. can change but who cares kan..


Thursday, March 5, 2009

sleeping sleeping ansd more sleeping

stayed at house today since i got myself mc for two days.. today n tom la.. u noe wat,, they didnt even study. not to say didnt study at all just after recess.. i shud've went to school la.. haiyo.. wasting only.. haizzz... anyway enjoyed myself today in bed.. all day long... damn nice.. hujan pulak tu.. lagi best ku tidur.. wakaka...
finally.. collected them all. just need to read and waiting for A GIFT!!!!..not sure when its cumin out...
sleeping all day actually makes u tired.. hahaha.. tom i'm back since i'm representing my house for long jump.. wish me luck!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


oh dear lord!!!!!
i'm SICK!!!! after 8 months..i think.. or more...anyway..i'm tired and i just want to sleep but cant.. have to do paperwork..which is pending.. and have to prepare my lisan for both bi and bm..the last lisan for my schooling days..hahahaha....must do well la.....hehehe
here i am..coughing and sneezing..cant believe the medicine didnt work at all..

went to school yesterday for PIBG but escaped once it started..went to physic lab to do my peka.. which we suppose do last year btw...i can just sleep all day long..thats what i am going to do after my maths h/w... hahaha....

dont know what to post.. will try to find somethign interesting...

p.s. whoeva wants to join trip to Tman Rimba Ilmu, UM with members of KPA of SMK Puterijaya(including me i think) come this saturday..lolx.. promoting.. the place is very nice...:P

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


you know what?? i just hate you!!!this post is really meant for you!!!
what is you problem?? why dont you let me in peace and stop coming into my life.. i've given you a lot.. can you change youself?? stop bugging if possible.. no use for the words you said or the things you do but you're attitude is just the same.. are you taking revenge or helping me?? if it is a revenge? why?? if it is helping its ok.. just leave it..
i had enough of it and what i heard as really made me pist.. to you i have no words for you anymore...


Saturday, February 21, 2009 back!!!
after one week me writting oops typing back..huhuhu.. alright.. intervensi was fine except for BM BIO EST!!! sorry teacher for est.. will do better..=p
left two papers only..yepi!!!!;) but its add m3 and che..=(..haizz... after that i'm burried with paperwork..

well, today is my regular blog reader a.k.a AndreFinch Jr's birthday!!! so HAPPY BIRTHDAY yar..
god bless you!!!=p
i didnt type ur name kay.. dont throw me in dungeon all..hehehe...

can't wait to finish my papers.. as for my other friends they still have paper on tue.. i'll be free!!! but i'm sure add m3 i'm gona fly and che i'm gona jump..hahahaha...

thx to halycon for a very loooooooooooooooong comment.. hehehe. but i like it la.. nothing happened today.. just an ordinary weekend..monday come faster..

will con't to do add m3 = den zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


Friday, February 13, 2009

valentine's day!!!

one week and i'm offcially STRESS!!! again!!! hahaha... biasala kan.. stress is my middle name..huhu.. hmm valentine's day is tom n me no valentino..=(wth i dont hv valentine for the past 17 years..hahaha... valentine will b just another normal day for me!!INTERVENSI 1 is next week and all the form 4 is out.. revision had only done 1%hehehe.. have to study overnight lorh..haiz,, start back my stuff...

school is tom n my nephew no school...kurang ajor sikit.. aku terpaksa bgn pagi dia pula tidur..haiz...
till then chowzz.. n oh yeah..c the pic below!!!!


Saturday, February 7, 2009


what a boring day..was fullt into paperwork today.. had to do all the paperworks required for Nature Society camps and so on.. updated my facebook and friendster.. wont be online for some time..but blog will be updated..hehehehe.. biasala kan.. den pity my regular blog reader wont have anything to read..=P

thaipusam is tom and i'm very sure batu cave will be superb with the crowds and the lights and so on.. too bad i cant go due to some stuffs.. haiz...hope can go next year..

i'm freakishly bored ryte now.. gtg n clean my room up..

P.S. intervensi is on 16!!!!!aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Friday, February 6, 2009

my phone!!=(

wat the smell la...haiz.. sumthing is wrong with my phone.. wait till my sis finds out.. she is goin to freak out!!but guess i can cover it.. had cross country todya.. and sumthing bad happened to me..*secret* dont want to malukan myself..huhu...
i;m bored tired.. my legs are killing me.. talking bout crosss country dont really like it coz u hv to run a very long distance which is menyakitkan.. but this year the distance was kinda short..
wish sumone can really press my leg..

had to do research on sexual and asexual reproduction..tooooo many stuff la.. wonder how to put it in my essay..hmmm.. will think bout it later.. ryte now.. i nak pergi tidur kot.. hahhaha....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

story time...hehehe


I saw you and I wondered….

Nothing came up in my mind at that moment. Just believing and taking you as my friend. But when days, hours, minutes, seconds passes by, that believing part changed. Is it love? Or just a simple crush or an affection towards you beyond my hope of life. After all the bitterness that I’ve been through, is it really you the one whom I suppose to have? It struck my mind. But I knew at that moment you like someone else. I knew, you just took me as your friend. A best friend nothing more than that. However, something told me, it will work out. It you and I were meant together.

And when I was ready, at least I think I was, I told you but you said NO. My heart broke into pieces, crushed, stabbed and I felt I left alone. Then I taught… Was it really a no or but because of the circumstances that you are in?
And I taught again, so what if you say no. I still don’t want to lose though. Perhaps be with you as friend. Maybe for now, maybe forever…wondering will you accept me as your friend or just ignore me for the mistake I did…

Its all depends on YOU!!!!

You agreed to be my friend but will it be like that until my last breathe or stop in between? Confusion was full in my mind. Wonder what’s going to happen next. I will be there for you but will I be waiting? Am I actually ready to convert my mind to another person? Or will you realize the love I have in you and come back? Or go to her? I know she is better than me in all the things you expected for your girl to be but why her? So many unanswered questions running in my mind day and night... who is going to answer this all? You, me or the GOD?

Time is passing by and the only thing is happening is that I know more about you. You don’t know anything about me. Having a hard time in social life, and only one thing will cheer me up. Reading your messages or have a look at your picture. Why is it happening to me? I never felt like this before? Why???

It has been 2 years, and no response from you despite being a good friend. I’ve tried my level best for you to notice me but I guess I have failed. You still treat me as you friend. And I couldn’t take my mind from you. I declined those who asked me because I was having a feeling that you will love me. But I guess my believe was wrong.

This is the story that happen in a girl’s life. The love she had on him was just lefted like that even though she told him. Want to know what happen next?

While she was walking near the roadside, she was thinking too much about him. She wasn’t herself at that moment. A split second before she could turn back, when she heard someone called her from back; a car just came and knocks her out. And that someone was the guy she loves. He was actually on his way to tell her the love that he had on her. He loves her before she told him but just he couldn’t accept her at that moment.

He ran towards her, and just sat beside her. He tried his level best to get her consciousness back. But her condition was very bad. He rushed her to the hospital and she was under ICU. After a few minutes, the doctor came by to him, telling that she can’t live anymore. If you want to say any last words you may go in. His heart was crushed at that point. Without wasting any time, he went inside. He sat beside her. Hold her hand and called her name by her ear. He told her I love you. And she died with a smile. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He taught for a moment, why I denied when she asked me? And now I’ve made a mistake that can’t be changed now or forever.

Since that day until now, he never loved anyone else. He knew the true love that she had on him. He spends most of his times at her favorite places. It makes him to think about her and that what he wants.



Tuesday, February 3, 2009

life must go on...

pretty an adult topic close friends tend to tell me i'm a good adviser yet i dont take the advice to my life itself.. weird i know.. perhaps it is call stuborness.hahaha..
posted a poem yesterday n oh yea.. dear cindy, it is exactly and really from my BRAIN & HEART.... not telling i'm heartbroken due to something(even its 98 % true)heheh.. i'm recovering..besides can consider hv recovered.. there are many dolphins in the sea.. told by a friends of mine and actually his father told him.. hahhaa..

life has to go on.. ups and downs shoudnt stop la kan... sad, happy, missery, failures, success.. all cums n goes in life.. we as humans has to move forward and just dont stuck and try to stay for a longer time in that particular time.. so till then me will be happy!!!!!:)

first day of school after 10 days of hols and boy its so boring! one of the block in my school did not have electricity. students in that particular class were moved and one of the class moved to my class.. we had to go to makmal 1 and there were no electricity!!!!! just until before recess. thank god for it. other than that classes were usual.. got our school magazine.. n i look funny in some of the candid pics..hahah..hate those pics actually.. if they want to snap me tell la.. atleast i can give a good shot or something.. tis wan..i look like half dead fish which actually trying to survive and trying level best to find water to live...hahha...

me very tired currently.. wana clean dishes have drink then oni go flat.. will think of a topic tom.. till then signing of...zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, February 2, 2009

poem created by us!!!

I hate you!
You lied,
you cheated,
i believed you a lot..
yet you lied to me with all those lies..
how could you be like that?
dont you feel bad about it?
it might be your choice,
but that is selfish..
Let this be the last for me,
as i wish upon the star,
not to experience this again..
i wish i had a time-machine,
for me to go back..
but sadly my wish wont ever come true..
who shall i blame??
you, me or the one create us..
all i have now is the memories,
it will be in my head until you confront yourself,
till then i wont bother you..
as life has to be continued,
no matter what happen...
*you caught me by your eyes,
you attracted me by you smile,
you seduced me by you talks,
yet your lies hurt me alot!!!!!!

*courtesy of bad!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

day out.

went out wit my regular blog reader..i didnt put ur name ah.. puchong to have lunch.. n he was late...:( the food was ok ok.. good la.. hm fotgot the name of the restaurant..something melur..hmm..wateva la kan.. after that me sis n he were fighting to go to IOI mall.. but end up at mc d.. had mc flurry as usual..wakaka..n it rained heavily.. we gotta wait inside the mc d for a few hours..n still got wet in the rain.went back to sis place and waited for her n went to jj.. had nuggets there...hahhahaha..:p wating a lot nowadays.. did snap pics though....

in car while waiting...

the restaurant

was checking in fs n juzt posted a buletin..i guess i wont loss if i copy n paste it here too...=p

1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?
` huh??!!!

2. Do you trust all of your friends?
` hahahahaha...

3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?

` oh yeah.i'm waiting for it actually..:P

4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
` definitely...

5. Can you make a dollar in change right now?
` nop..i dont even hv a dollar..=P

6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?
` ling..badariah,shahirah, ...

7. Are you afraid of falling in love?
` hahahahha..not really

9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?
` yesh!!!

10. Whats your most favorite scar?
` none..i hate scars..

11. When was the last time you flew in a plane?
` hmm 0...hahahahha

12. What did the last text message you sent say?
` what is ridz number?

13. What features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex?
` errr.... alot.....huhuhu

14. Fill in the blank. I love:
` GOD..

15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
` get 11A1 IN SPM...aku boleh....

16. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
` hmmm whoveva in the hosp at tat momment..

17. How many kids do you want to have?
` 3...EHE...

18. Would you make a good parent?

` of course..hahahhaha...

19. Where was your default picture taken?

` from susu..

20. Whats your middle name?
` urrrrrrrmmmmmmm.

21. Honestly, whats on your mind right now?
` sleep sleep sleep sleep...zzzzzzz

22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
` told him tat i "like" him..oh pls can i reverse back..

23. Who was or will be the maid of honor/ best man in your wedding?

` hmmm thinkin..

24. What are you wearing right now?

` t-shirt and shorts

25. Righty or Lefty?

` huh???

26. Best place to eat?

` ROOM...

27. Favorite jeans?

` wateva jeans i wear..

28. Favorite animal?
` monkey..

29. Favorite juice?

` apple juice..

30. Have you had the chicken pox?
` no...

31. Have you had a sore throat?
` oh yeah.. wen i hv orange juice n wet in rain at the same time

32. Ever had a bar fighT?

` NOPE!!!

33. Who knows you the best?

` sister and friends

34. Shoe size?

` 6 to 8..hahahha=D

35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
` glasses

36. Ever been in a fight with your pet?

` yea

37. Been to Mexico?

` no..

38. Did you buy something today?

` stitch sticker.....

39. Did you get sick today?
` no..HEH!

40. Do you miss someone today?
` oh yea...

41. Did you get in a fight with someone today?

` nephew.

42. When is the last time you had a massage?

` thursday

43. Last person to lay in your bed?
` no one for the past 7 years!!before tat my nephew wen he was 1 year old.....

44. Last person to see you cry?

` MY teacher...

45. Who made you cry?

` hahahha..secret

46. What was the last TV show you watched?

` wizards in waverly place

47. What are your plans for the weekend?

` sleep, study fin

48. Who do you think will repost this?

` duno

49. Who was the last person you hung out with?

` sisters and nephew...

50. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY what would you say?

` nonononononononononononono....

can't wait for tom..sis is making mee hoon pedas mouth has already started to water..hahahha..reli cant wait to eat..wakakaka.. till then me go do my bm presentation..den i go zzz..hahahahha.....

Friday, January 30, 2009


after a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.. i'm back..
as i meantioned in my first post i'm a lazy girl that dont have time to blog. well, it came true..hahaha.. too much homeworks/tasks/sports day is on the way/pond/ haizz.. too many things to do,,,n oh yeah REVISION!!!i have no time at all to do my revision for SPM.. but better start lorh....haha.. for the past two days me n my friends went to school to mengubahsuai our kolam.. n boy its a lot of work.. damn tiring. it looks like an easy job but its not...a guy from sumwhr voluntereed to help us after seeing us struggling with the pond. so we decided to stop the work and we came back thursday no work was done.. we got pist and we started to dig.. more work..more back pain... i was fully covered with mud on wed n thurs..hehehehe... then my teacher got a call that he coudnt dig on the previous day due to haeavy rain.. fine we accepted his apology..hehehe..went to seetharam to have lunch.. miss valle belanja us on we n thus..hahhaha..lucky us!!!!wakakakak.

makan time!!!!!
well, will try to keep updated.. since i
ll be sleeping late everyday starting next moth.. my hols are really really over!!!!!hahhaha..
till then..bye..
waiting for dhiv to cum over.hmmmmm............

Friday, January 9, 2009


school days has been pretty boring for the past 3 days.. and we had gotong-royong on the 4th day.. thats fast right.. half of us had to stay in class and a few had to go to chemistry lab and the rest 7 had to clean up our class garden which is also known as TAMAN KELAB PENCINTA ALAM!! since i was officially a member i was fine with cleaning up the garden.. miss valle asked some of us to volunteer to clean up the pond which was built 5 years ago.. me and dhivyah was the first two to volunteer.. since it invovled water..hahaha..and then bad and andrea joined.. but the cleaning was only after recess..we were scared first but didnt wanted to come out of it after a few was FUN!!! with a few fishes and so on.. maklumla nature lover.hahaha.. we even saw and felt the real TANAH LIAT.. it was so silvery and so smooth.. it seemed that its good if you applied it on your face.. my friends did on theirs and MINE!!!!! i became model for the day!!!!!but wth it was FUN!! we even suggest to make the pond bigger and make it more beautiful.. atleast do something before we leave the school..since its our last year...:(

me and atiq having nasi ayam.. the best food you can get at my school canteen..

candid perhaps...

we were trying to get in.. i was oldest and got to get in first..:P

boleh posing jugak kan...

cleaning up the pond...

pic time..

washed my face.. could take bath actually

with tanah liat..

intro miss valle

it is so much better..
more better once it is re-construct..hahahaha
the day was fun..really fun..and hoping more..hehehehe.. cant wait to built the pond..hehehe..
and today was my principle's last day..sob sob.. i'm not that sad actually..hehehehe.. anyway good luck to her in heer new school SMK DATOK LOKMAN...
and the new principle for my school is from SBU.. got some info from tuiton friend.. she is kinda i better watch out..huhu..
gotta go and eat my pizza..its waiting..hehehehe...till then..chowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...