Tuesday, February 9, 2010

lepak day

the first day of class..i was so excited..a lil bit nervous though..well got the 9.40 bus eventhough my class is only at 11.00..sigh thats the last bus..catch it or leave it..if i leave it i hv to take a teksi..oo no man..budget..hehehe..got at MSU..n we waited as everyone to arrive coz we dont really know the place..it was not in the campus..there are few classes opposite campus..why i dont know...lol..we went to the class..ANNEXE 20.waited outside for a few minutes because the previous class was still goin on...then we went it...i was nervous a lil bit..eager to know how the lecturer going to be..then she entered..suppose to be a guy but he wont be teaching us..so its going to be MISS AZWA..she seem to be cool..she is nice..but sadly we got our 1st tutorial work..
fine..those we basic form 5 chapter 1 biology..(i became sad coz i left all my notes at home).. had to do my own research now..sigh..then she added..to look on the established date, roles n responsibilties and programmes by WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO and FAO..
i was like what..huh..i became blur blur sotong for a momment..sigh...thats a lot to find..

then we waited for our next class and we got news from a guy saying that "att:MALAYSIAN STUDIES CLASS CANCEL" WHOA!!!! out of sudden i became to lazy to go tp class.. we wen to eat our lunch at ALI'S Corner.. our next class was at 3..so we decided to lepak at extreme park for a while..on the way we got news that BIOLOGY CLASS WAS CANCEL!!! another whoa... ON TOP THAT THERE IS NO CLASS TOMMOROW....another WOHOA!!!!
so the whole day we lepak at kfc then snap pic then went back..what a day..
my first day n no class..i shoudnt've postponed my driving...sigh..
anyway came home begin with my work and just finish..still got checking n i'm still finding..hopefully its ok...sigh...lets see how it goes...right now i'm crashing..

and here is the picture..
from left:mohana, archana,yunitra, me, chris and sendrew..
the same people except i'm not here n losheni is here...lol
spot the diff...hehehe
we snapped more but i'm too lazy to upload..check out facebook..n soon more pictures will be uploaded..till then GOOD NIGHT

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