Friday, October 28, 2011

A bit of here.. A bit of there...


I'm wishing after two days.. EPIC FAIL!!.. sorrie lar..
I wasn't having a good internet connection so for me to update my blog was very troublesome. Anyway, since I'm at Nickson's house today( the connection here is GOOD) I'm updating it here. Most probably that's what I'll be doing. I can only update it when I'm at my nephew's place. So what I did on Deepavali day??? hmmm...
Before that, a short description about the meaning of deepavali...:p

"Deepavali or Divali or the festival of lights is observed by Hindus in recognition of the triumph of good over evil in the seventh month of the Hindu calendar. Thanksgiving prayers and cleansing rituals take place at temple and household altars throughout the country.

Deepavali is celebrated on the Hindu month of Kartik in October / November. It is also called the Festivals of Lights.
It's a day of festive joy and Malaysians visit their friends of Hindu faith to extend good wishes and to partake in the feasting and jollity
The word "Deepavali" is a combination of the words ‘Dipa’ and ‘Gavali’, the former meaning ‘light’ and the latter meaning ‘a row’. Thus symbolizing the rows of lights that can be seen at the houses of Hindu celebrants. As light dispels darkness, this festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil."

O.o.. I'm not Hindu, so I don't really know much about Hinduism but it's actually very INTERESTING..:)

Coming back to this year's Deepavali, I celebrated it by watching movies.. hahaha..XD
I watch Velayutham( which was AWESOME) and Ra.One( which was WATCHABLE..:p)

Velayutham show was at 11.20am and Ra One was at 5.25 pm.

I woke up very early in the morning( 8.30am is EARLY), got ready and left the house around 9.30 something. I wanted to eat McD breakfast but my sister wanted to eat Noodles. At the end we went to MCDONALD's..:p.SADLY BADLY, the breakfast wasnt as how I expected. The muffin was totally OUT! yuek!! Yet I still have to finish it. After that, we went to CapSquare to collect the tickets, and rounding around because we were early. We found where Secret Recipe, Subway and some other retaurants location.:P They were RELOCATED actually. Then we were waiting, waiting, waiting, AND yeay, IT WAS TIME. Velayudham was really nice. I enjoyed watching it. It was like comedy, then fighting scenes, then comedy then fighthing scenes again. They weren't any hanging part in that movie and Vijay acted WELL.. :D
After the movie, we went to Puchong, my sister's friend's house for LUNCH( free food). Ate nicely and was talking stories, when it was about time we left the place and my sister actually was driving fast because WE WERE LATE FOR THE MOVIE. I didn't even had the time to go toilet..sigh.. Thank GOD, it was just nice.:) Ra. One movie was not so bad. Can watch lar. It was quite interesting....;) Then dinner time, at secret recipe..:) It was a tiring day but I enjoyed myself.:)

So that's how my deepavali day was. It was totally different. I used to follow my dad to his friend's house when I was small but now things change ( even though he called, I didn't want to go...)

In 3 days time, I'll only have 3 weeks left for my NEW SEM to begin. However, I'll only be in KL for 2 weeks. I have few things to settle before my new sem starts. Then my headache STARTS..:(

Honestly, I don't find any difference...:p

Reminds me of myself currently...:p
100 TRUTHs...


1. Last beverage:
: Coke..:P

2. Last phone call:
: Eldest Sister

3. Last text message:
: Sendrew Lavinash

4. Last song you listened to:
: Some new song that playing on the radio..

5. Last time you cried:
: 3 days ago...XD


6. Dated someone twice:
: hahahhaha...NO!

7. Been cheated on:
: sadly yeah...:(

8. Kissed someone & regretted it:

9. Lost someone special:
: no..:)

10. Been depressed:
: Depression is my middles name...

11. Been drunk and threw up:
: hahaha..yeah..:P 4 years ago...:P


12. : BLACK

13. : Blue

14. : Grey


15. Made a new friend:

:Yes... many actually...:)

16. Fallen out of love:
: Out????!!!!!

17. Laughed until you cried:
: hahaha.. a lot of times...:P

18. Met someone who changed you:
: In 2011 nope, but 2010 yeah..:P

19. Found out who your true friends were:
: yeah...:(

20. Found out someone was talking about you:
: nope.. but who cares!

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list:
: of course!!!!:)

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:
: i dont know...:P

23. How many kids do you want?:
: Three!!!

24. Do you have any pets:
: yeah.. a dog...XD

25. Do you want to change your name:
: nope!

26. What did you do for your last birthday:
: Celebrated with my boyfriend and foundation friends and bath in eggs and flour...

27. What time did you wake up today:
: 6.30 am...

28. What were you doing at midnight:

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
: February 2012...:P

30. Last time you saw your Mother:
: Yesterday night...

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
: hmm the course I'm studying right now..

32. What are you listening to right now :
: songs...:P

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:
: Tom..Tom..Tom...nope!!:P

34. What's getting on your nerves right now:
: Now, nothing...:P

35. Most visited webpage:

36. Whats your real name:
: Shirley Lourdes

37. Nicknames:
: Lol...hahhaa..hmm eli, monkey, baby, sali(flu in tamil), radio fm, shirley curly wirly, pandi, sam....

38. Relationship Status:
: in relationship....:p

39. Zodiac sign:
: Capricorn

40. Male or female?:
: Female..

41. Primary school:
: SRK (P) Pudu 2...

42. Secondary school:
: SMK Puterijaya

43. High school/college/university?:
: MSU...

44. Hair color:
: black...

45. Long or short:
: Long...

46. Height:
:160 cm

47. Do you have a crush on someone?
: nope

48 What do you like about yourself?
: Me being quiet...:p

49. Piercings:
: yes..

51. Righty or lefty:


52. First surgery:
: lol..XD never...:P

53. First piercing:
: At the age of 4 or 5..not sure...

54. First best friend:
: shhhhhh

55. First sport you joined:

56. First vacation:
: Trip to Penang i think...

58. First pair of trainers:


59. Eating:
: Nothing...just after lunch...

60. Drinking:
; nothing...:P

61. I'm about to:

62. Listening to:
: Wanna be my Chamak Challo?:P

63. Waiting for:
: Dinner...:P


64. Want kids?

65. Get Married?

66. Career?
: God Knows...


67. Lips or eyes:
: Eyes

68. Hugs or kisses:
: Kisses

69. Shorter or taller:
: Taller

70. Older or Younger:
: Older

71. Romantic or spontaneous:
: Romantic

72. Nice stomach or nice arms:
: Nice arms..:P

73. Sensitive or loud:
: Loud

74. Hook-up or relationship:
: Relationship

75. Trouble maker or hesitant:
: neither


76. Kissed a stranger:
: Hell no!

77. Drank hard liquor:
: which one is hard liquor???

78. Lost glasses/contacts:
: nope!!! I better NOT!

79. Sex on first date:
: nop!!!!!

80. Broken someone's heart:
: I think so...

82. Been arrested:
: hmm urrm errr arrrm...heehehehe.. NOPE!

83. Turned someone down:
: Yes..lots..

84. Cried when someone died:
: Yes, once..

85. Fallen for a friend?:
: yeah


86. Yourself:
: yeahhh

87. Miracles:

88. Love at first sight:
: lol..NOPE!

89. Heaven:
: Yes..:D

90. Santa Claus:
: No

91. Kiss on the first date:
: nononono....

92. Angels:
: yes...:)


94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:
: No.. I only have one boyfriend currently and Im sticking with him ONLY...

95. Did you sing today?:
: Today,,, havent,,,:P

96. Ever cheated on somebody?:
: no....

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?:
: Back to Form 4...

98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?:
: 5th March...

99. Are you afraid of falling in love?:
: nO..;)

100. Posting this as 100 truths?:
: HAHA... yeah...

So to those that read my blog, if you people have blog as well, you can just copy and paste it in your post and answer it... IF YOU'RE NOT LAZY...


I think that's all for today.. I know it's kinda boring..sowie.... byeeeee...:)
Time to zzzzzzzzzzzzz..:D

1 comment:

JessicaTan2511 said...

Interesting 100 facts! I shall do it tmr! Wahahahahahahah. :P