Thursday, October 20, 2011


Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

I know it's very early for me to blog but I don't know what else to do.:P I followed my sister today and on the way to my elder sister's house, I saw a guy, riding motorbike and he was wearing a MSSM jacket. At a glance, I thought maybe I know the person but I didn't. The word MSSM gives me a lot of memories and yeah that's my blog tittle today.:) Memories. I've read somewhere that Memories are the only tresures you can keep and lasts forever. I AGREE 100% to it. Yes, memories is the only PRICELESS treassure you can keep. Let it be good or bad, it's still a remeberance of the things we did. If it's good, just keep in your thoughts, If it's something bad, take it as a LESSON and DON'T REPEAT IT AGAIN. However, we are humans, we tend to repeat mistakes instead of learning from it. Maybe some don't but I do.XD

Talking about MSSM, I still remember, I became active in sports when I was in Form 3 [ one of the reason why I screwed my PMR..:( ] I managed to represent Zon Pudu but failed there. However I still had a chance to experience the atmosphere of MSSM when my school was chosen to send students as Jurucenderahati where we take care of the medals and so on. Even though I wasn't the participant but it was truly an amazing experience to be there. I really wished I can do better and represent KL the next year. I really worked hard but at the end I couldn't even participate  the first stage due to my injury. I sprained both my ankles. Weird??? I know it is. Even the doctor asked, HOW DID YOU SPRAIN BOTH OF YOUR ANKLES...hehehehe.. that's a secret because it shows how stubborn I am.:P

Whatever happened during that period of time, I really wana keep it and tell it to my children in future. I know I was only in Brisk walking but hey it's a sports too(Sendrew won't agree to this, too bad larrrrr)
I sort of enjoyed my school life even I had few things up(esspecially prefect stuffs) At times I wished I didn't become one and at times I wished maybe I should've just taken it. Whatever it is it's over. I enjoyed being with my friends. We always have amazing time together and we laughed a lot. We even cried a lot..hahahaha.XD

I miss my buddies a lot.. And I'm sure they miss me too.. They will deny that fact for sure but I know them.

These another bunch of people that I miss so much!!! We use to hang out a lot and we were really close together but as time passed by things change but we didnt..:P I really had fun those time and we are planning to bring back those time again. Reall can't wait to hang out with these people!!! One of the best memory I had with them will the LEPAKING AT JUSCO...heheheheheehe... I remember, we lepaked at jusco in the night and Jerome had to lick chili sauce with pepper..oooooo BESH!!!:P

I love these people...:)
I like my foundation friends. So far, I would say that foundation time was the best TIME I had. Of course, most of the time I spent the days with Sendrew.. hahahahaha..XD But it was really indeed a good time...

I LOVE this picture!!!!!!!!

And now I'm with thise CRAZY people. They're really fun to hang out with. It was just few months but I'm close with them.:)
I practically see them everyday, comment on their post everyday and talk and even skype even though we are 5 cm apart.. I told you they're CRAZY people..:P

As I said earlier, I have a lot of memories..... Uncountable and I'm still collecting them.:) I can even remember the exact thing I did on specific days.:p My memory on these things are EXCELLENT...:P

With this pig..:P My memories with him is endless...hahahaha...Jiwangnya.. Cut the crap. The only thing we do most of the time is insult each other. Actually he insult me more than I do and I kinda like it at times. When I really cant argue I just keep quiet(because I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY..:S) And I miss this idiot now.. 3 more months..( apa gunanya, then I ve got to wait another 6 months) XD

I agree to this as well....:)

And this:)
Memories can be with anyone, Family members, friends, a small momment, teachers, your partners name it, it could be anyone.;) You don't have to spend a single cent for it. All you have to do it, keep it in your thoughts and think about it at some point and I'm sure you'll smile..:)

I have a DATE  with this girl later. ELIANTO SHOPPING!!!! It's the 20th of the month.. hahaha..I can get elianto stuffs at discount.. Can't wait to get new colours. I have a design in my mind for my nails.. Hopefully it'll be success.. Before I say bye bye, told you I'm listening to songs, really often, This is the current song I'm obsessed with.. I love it!! It makes my feet move all the time.. Will blog tomorrow or maybe later in the night. I'll be bored....:P

bye people!!!!!:)

1 comment:

-Coach- said...

That Pig happens to miss you alot :(