Wednesday, October 19, 2011

my dah....:)

hehehehee.... My post today is about my dah...:)

Many asked me and him, what's the meaning of dah. Honestly, I've got no idea. I myself don't know the real meaning but who cares, that's how I call him and that's how he call me as well. People say we look cute together but I would say he makes all the pictures cute. Fine lar, I'll agree he is cute. If not why would I like him at the first place. But that's definitely not the main reason.....:)

I met him at MSU. hahaha.. We were doing the same course. Started as friends but I've got something on him. Crush at beginning and it changed.:p..

He seem to be the most SARCASTIC guy you can ever find on earth. Personally I HATE sarcastic people. They'll just get my nerves with the way they speak. They think they're the right ones. He was one of those people. In many things he said, actually most of the things, you can find sarcasm. That's how he was at the beginning but behind that sarcasm he was a very GOOD friend. He is friendly to everybody and highly social. He doesn't talk a lot like I do but he can be talkative at times. He is also very smart!!! Freaking smart but highly LAZY! It's like someone need to be there to tell him to do things, if not he will do it at the eleventh hour. sigghhhhh... 

He seems to be one of  kind guy. He can really get close to people, care about others so deeply, love people he is close too, and very soft heart guy. Maybe those are the reasons I started to like him, I don't know. I'm still figuring it out.:p

When I told him I like,(brave of me..:P) things didn't work as I wished. He didn't like me. And yeah, there goes the same story again..:( I was extremely sad, heart broken and HIGHLY DISAPPOINTED! but I didn't give up. I tried my very level best to make him notice me but of course, I FAIL ALL THE TIME. Then I give up. I didn't bother to try. I just let it go and I went with the flow. Suddenly(tadaaaa) he said he like me.. hahahaha.. I was jumping, flying, blushing, name it. I was very very very HAPPY. As time passed by, we get to know each other more, I got to know about him more, he knows everything about it, things like that. And yeah, finally we ended up being together and still are. I'm happy being with him. I'm really glad I didn't move on. It's just time. Now he is not in Malaysia but I don't care. I know we can make it through this distance.

Ever since I'm with, I feel he is different. He is more caring. I see another side of him. A totally different person. He is very sweet and can be romantic at times but the SARCASM is still there. No matter what it won't leave him I suppose.

He tolerates me a lot. I'm a very stubborn person. I know I am.;P [sorry lar] And at times I don't listen to him. He advices me and tell things which is for my own good but because of my stubbornessssssssssssssss, we ended up in misunderstandings. However, it doesn't last long. Not even 10 minutes. We will start saying sorry and sort out everything. Whenever I'm tensed, I won't text or talk to him properly and I'll feel awful for being a jerk.

Talking about him being lazy, he is NOT like that now. He is really working hard to strive for the best!! I know he can do it! As I mentioned earlier, he is really smart.

I'm waiting for him to finish his course as fast as possible.. sorry lar.. 5 years is LONG!!! but I don't mind waiting...


JessicaTan2511 said...

Geeeeee.. So shwweeeetttt. <3
Couldn't AGREE more with the SARCASM! Wahahahaahhahaha. :D Hehehhehe. Yea.. Undeniable facts, I like to see you guys together, way too cute!!! Hehheheh. Keep working it out. I have already reserve a seat for myself for ur wedding reception! :P

-Coach- said...

Your Sweet Dah, and your the best dah anyone could ever have... He is very lucky to have you... And he loves you very much :)

CoretanGembelanJalanan said...

sammmm!!!huhu..ak da tau da cte nie..cweet2..heheh..btw knl ak x??nie blog br ak..yg lme da dlete da..hehehe