Friday, March 16, 2012

End of Second Semester....

I was actually suppose to post this as END OF DISASTROUS SEMESTER but I'm afraid it will repeat again. You know the saying, NEVER SAY NEVER!

Well I told my friends that I will blog today no matter what so that's what I'm doing right now.

My entire second semester was full of headache, hypertension, on and off fever and STRESS. There were even says I cried and all I did was talked to GOD. Remember what I said in my New Year's Post, talk to people and it'll make you feel better. I spoke to mt friends and my sister but I didn't get the any peace. Once I cried out to GOD and told him everything I actually felt much better. Hence, I became more spiritual.

That's the major lesson I learnt from Second Semester. BE CLOSER TO GOD. It helps in many ways. Here are some quotes that really helped during the days when I was very upset and down....

 Other than that, I also learned that it's a good thing to do early preparation for exam. My microbiology lecturer is a very strict lecturer. The only thing expects from us is FURTHER READING AND ONE MUST ALWAYS BE PREPARED BEFORE ENTERING HER CLASS. Hence, that's what I did ALWAYS before her class. It actually made me to feel relaxed during the exam. It was really easy to study and I wasn't really stressed with that particular exam. So, I'll take note of that and try to prepare everytime before a class. 

Basically thats the only two lesson I learnt. Many things happen this semester and most of it turned my days down. Days after Mid-Sem wasn't a good one. I was more stressed, worried, sad, depressed. I was counting down for the days to be over as fast as possible and ITS OVER. My FIRST SHORT SEMESTER will begin in a week and I'm going to prepare myself mentally well. 
To prepare myself physically is kinda difficult, I've put on a lot of weight. So, I'm going to EXERCISE during short semester as I only have 3 subjects. 
I'll be spending more time with these people until I finish my degree....:P
So, that's all for tonight.. Most probably I'll be bloging tomorrow as well. I'm going out!!! Wohoa!!!:)

1 comment:

JessicaTan2511 said...

Hahahhhah! So many quotes and gosh! I simply adore every of them! Good good! Be more spiritual and don't lose faith! Ohhhh... Now like this la! Talking to ur friends doesn't help at all la!!!!! hmph!