Friday, June 29, 2012


Many say time is very precious. You can never get back yesterday neither you can get tomorrow. Why go so far right? You can't even  get the next second of the day itself. Its so freaking precious and priceless. Once it is passed, its gone..WOOOSH! Just like that...

It's been some time since my last post. I was too busy or I would rather use the term LAZY. Laziness and me is two inseperable soul...LOL

Why am I talking about time? I really wish for it to run fast.LOL.. Some would know what I mean..
I told a friend of mine last Tuesday that even if you have that one special minute dont waste it. You never know when you will get it and I'm very sure you would regret of that one minute. At times I wonder, does all this waiting for that time or to be specific my time is going to be worth it or is it just a waste of my time and I'm going to end in disappointment? God knows the answer.
Now it's time for me to buzz of from this emo-ing thingy and get myself back on track. For me exam is just around the corner even though I have one month! :p.... Should start studying!
ps/ I really hope my plan will come true or else I just gotta wait. I still have time to do I think,,,hmmmm... :S

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