Thursday, March 5, 2009

sleeping sleeping ansd more sleeping

stayed at house today since i got myself mc for two days.. today n tom la.. u noe wat,, they didnt even study. not to say didnt study at all just after recess.. i shud've went to school la.. haiyo.. wasting only.. haizzz... anyway enjoyed myself today in bed.. all day long... damn nice.. hujan pulak tu.. lagi best ku tidur.. wakaka...
finally.. collected them all. just need to read and waiting for A GIFT!!!!..not sure when its cumin out...
sleeping all day actually makes u tired.. hahaha.. tom i'm back since i'm representing my house for long jump.. wish me luck!!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, well, well....I luv sleeping too...but can't sleep all the time when good ol'Captain Cook is around.....hehehehehe!

shirley@sam said...

captain cook eh??
tell him i say HI!!!