Friday, January 9, 2009


school days has been pretty boring for the past 3 days.. and we had gotong-royong on the 4th day.. thats fast right.. half of us had to stay in class and a few had to go to chemistry lab and the rest 7 had to clean up our class garden which is also known as TAMAN KELAB PENCINTA ALAM!! since i was officially a member i was fine with cleaning up the garden.. miss valle asked some of us to volunteer to clean up the pond which was built 5 years ago.. me and dhivyah was the first two to volunteer.. since it invovled water..hahaha..and then bad and andrea joined.. but the cleaning was only after recess..we were scared first but didnt wanted to come out of it after a few was FUN!!! with a few fishes and so on.. maklumla nature lover.hahaha.. we even saw and felt the real TANAH LIAT.. it was so silvery and so smooth.. it seemed that its good if you applied it on your face.. my friends did on theirs and MINE!!!!! i became model for the day!!!!!but wth it was FUN!! we even suggest to make the pond bigger and make it more beautiful.. atleast do something before we leave the school..since its our last year...:(

me and atiq having nasi ayam.. the best food you can get at my school canteen..

candid perhaps...

we were trying to get in.. i was oldest and got to get in first..:P

boleh posing jugak kan...

cleaning up the pond...

pic time..

washed my face.. could take bath actually

with tanah liat..

intro miss valle

it is so much better..
more better once it is re-construct..hahahaha
the day was fun..really fun..and hoping more..hehehehe.. cant wait to built the pond..hehehe..
and today was my principle's last day..sob sob.. i'm not that sad actually..hehehehe.. anyway good luck to her in heer new school SMK DATOK LOKMAN...
and the new principle for my school is from SBU.. got some info from tuiton friend.. she is kinda i better watch out..huhu..
gotta go and eat my pizza..its waiting..hehehehe...till then..chowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

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