Wednesday, January 7, 2009

first day of the last year of school...

first day of school~BORING!!!!!!!!
after recess~SUPRISED AND ANNOYED!!!!!!

hahahahha... went to school..haizz...first day itself was so damn boring...tank god brought camera..was snapping pics only..hahaha..met with all and talked and talked and talked!!!!!!everything.. past present and even FUTURE..oolalaa...hehehehe...
oh yeah got present from PN.Shiveh.. ring ooo....luv it.. and also from bad,susu,ila, kim yee...

introducing li wen..she can speak tamil oh..

present from kimyee

she gv me 2 high school musical 3 file.. thank u!!!!

my watch and bad's wan...

we love to fight...hahahah..for fun

after recess went to help pn. shiveh with dhivyah..and other classmates were having a suprise party.. not so big..a small one...

tats the cake....

just knowing they had a suprise i was shocked!!!!!didnt expected it at all..hahahahaha...

and they did achieve their dream by smashing cake on my face!!!! i will take revenge on them/more on my list!!!!wakakkakak...

my whole class!!!!!

~from bad

~from susu

~from pn shiveh

havent snap pics of all the gift i got.. will soon.. and btw no studying tom!!!!yaya... gotong-royong..yueks!!!!
but wth will hv fun..hahaha..will try to hv fun..hahahha..till then...bye!!!!

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