Friday, February 6, 2009

my phone!!=(

wat the smell la...haiz.. sumthing is wrong with my phone.. wait till my sis finds out.. she is goin to freak out!!but guess i can cover it.. had cross country todya.. and sumthing bad happened to me..*secret* dont want to malukan myself..huhu...
i;m bored tired.. my legs are killing me.. talking bout crosss country dont really like it coz u hv to run a very long distance which is menyakitkan.. but this year the distance was kinda short..
wish sumone can really press my leg..

had to do research on sexual and asexual reproduction..tooooo many stuff la.. wonder how to put it in my essay..hmmm.. will think bout it later.. ryte now.. i nak pergi tidur kot.. hahhaha....

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