Friday, November 25, 2011

My weekdays...:)

Since I've already blogged about my first day of Second Semester, this post is about the balance four days.:P

Our first class at 8.00 a.m. Anatomy and Physiology 2.{Morning class} Guess what, I'm the class rep! Yeay for me which means I have extra work to do, such as emailing people notes.:( I hate that job actually but no choice. The class was only for an hour. After that we went to Hameed's to have our breakfast and as usual we did some photo snapping session. We don't have anything better to do..:P

First time trying teh-c...LOL
After our snapping session, we did some talking session as well.:p Then, we went to Plaza Shah Alam. :D For lepaking purposes because our next class was at 3.00p.m. We need to do something to kill our time. We intended to hang out at Starbucks first since its a very classy looking place and get free WI-FI, :P but we went too early. So we were walking around the place and did our usual thing..:P

We hit starbucks, finally.hahaha.. Me and Gaya wanted to start Nail Art Service. So we did our discussion and open a fan page. It's very cheap actually and now its under promotion. Check out the link below,
Nail Art Service.:)

Once there, we bought one drink, Chocolate Caramel and it tasted YUMMY! Starbucks lar, what you expect.:P

We finished talking our service and went to have lunch. Actually only Gaya had lunch. I was still feeling full..
Then we went to our class, BIOCHEMISTRY. It was kinda funny, he asked what is biomedicine and we all were like, errrm, urrm, hmmm... When I wanted to answer he said he will ask in his next class. So too bad for that.:P And thats all for that day.:P I came back home and was crapping with my housemates.

Again our class today was 8 and it was Bio statistic. I still remember the question he asked,
hahahahha.. Again we went to Plaza Shah Alam(lifeless people) but this time I was craving foR SUBWAY!
Me and Jess had a coupon. Buy 1 free 1 but sadly badly there were three of us so we decided to use and get one extra, divide the money, so that we can eat again next week.:D hahaha..
And I realise when it comes to Subway, don't bother about your image.:P

After our branch, we went to Krispe Kreme to HANG OUT! Jess bought doughnuts and we just sat there, and rot..:P I was checking out nail art designs in youtube. Around 3 something we left the place coz our class is at 4. Sadly badly the lecturer didnt come. We left the place at 4.30. Came back home and I did my usual stuffs.:P

Jess and Gaya suppose to stay over today since the next day is that noob's birthday..:P But things went upside down so only Gaya stayed over. Class was at 5!!!!! but we meet up 3 something. We had some chit chat and had ice cream. Half way, my adik came by and I was talking to him. It was so nice to talk to him. It been quite some time since the last we had a good talk but unfortunately it was only for half an hour.
We went to class and the sir came 15 minutes LATE! lol. The moment he started his class one thing he said reminded me of Sendrew, He said Bio Chemistry is "nothing but the" bla bla bla. I was like what?!!! Sendrew told me his leturers use to say that. Since my sir is from India as well, I suppose he know that line. He was very knowledgable. He really knows his thing and all. In the night, we had nail art service to do at Brunsfield. After class we went there quickly. It only ended at 8.30. Came home, went out for dinner, then online, skyped and slept.

Jeng Jeng Jeng. BASIC MICROBIOLOGY! hahaha.. But she didnt come..:(
sigh.. So only English class and I'm the class rep! Yeay again...:S Even though my microbio lecturer didn't turn up, we waited till
And I was in FORMAL for her!

Its this monkey's birthday today. Officially a young lady. We sang her birthday song sharp, 12 All of us!!! I really want like that for mine, and the one reads this, should know what he should do on 3rd January!:P
We got her a hello kitty stuffed toy and secret recipe cake. Not to forget I put a little bit of icing from the cake on her FACE! Whats a birthday without putting cake on the birthday person's face right. And amazingly for the first time I escaped! Usually no matter who's birthday it is, I'll be the victim as well but today I was safe!:)

I have some studying to do tomorrow but it depends on what time I'm going to wake up.:P

1 comment:

JessicaTan2511 said...

U edit all the pictures until so cute!! I likey!! :)