Wednesday, August 24, 2011

An Hour To Live An Hour To Love

 Today, I had quite a long gap after my Organic Chemistry class, so me and my friends went to U-Plaza to kill our time. While waiting for the next class,(which was at 2 p.m.), I took Jessica's book and wanted to read it. I know it's weird cause I'm reading..haha.. That's what my boyfriend said as well..:p. Well, I don't do that all the time and I started with the first page. The book's title is An Hour To Live, An Hour To Love. 

I was interested in the book because it has the word Love,, hehehe. I'm kinda  JIWANG person. And yea, I don't mind admitting it.:p. Well the story is about a guy, an author actually, Richard who died at a young age, about forthy's ( if i'm not mistaken) due to spinal injury I think, and before he passed away, he wrote letter to his beloved wife,Kris and presented it to her on their 18th Wedding Anniversary( sweet but sad)... He wrote WHO HE WOULD CALL AND WHAT HE WOULD TELL... and of coure he said he would call his wife if he has an hour to live. He also mention all the characteristics of his wife, the things she did for him, the amount of love she showed on him and their two daughters, how kind she was to the family and how supportive she was to Richard during his down moments. Kris was a wonderful women in his eyes. In fact, according to him, when everyone told him the right thing, Kris actually asked him to do what he wants to do and whether that makes him happy or not, to be simple, listen to his heart. He followed Kris advice instead and became a happy person. Kris accepted Richard as an ordinary guy with flaws and goods, and she never expected him to be PERFECT. He also mentioned, whenever they caught up in misunderstandings, it only lasted for short time. Eventually, they are normal again. One thing he regret in life was, not enough time to spend with his family as he was busy with work and suddenly he is leaving at a very short time. The thing he would tell when he call Kris was I Love You. Which is very sweet for me.
For Kris part, she wrote about Richard, the choices of life. Richard was a good husband and father. She love him and still loving him so much. She believes that they still share their love even though Richard is not beside. She also kinda feels it's a little unfair for her because of him dying at a young age. However, we can't make the choices...

Personally I think the book is GREAT. It kinda reflected how I am with my boyfriend now. Though we are not married yet, but I do feel we are really meant to be together. The story was very touching and I felt like reading it again. It's true, we can't make choices in certain things but that doesn't stop us from loving or doing our usual things. Like for Kris, she still loves her husband. I believe, their love will never end. Both Kris and Richard's story is a very good example to follow. To except your love one, with his/ her flaws, just being ordinary and not expecting him/her to be perfect. 

If I had An Hour To Live, I will surely call..hehehe... Him.. and obviously I'll tell I Love You.. hahaha... Isn't that classic..:P How about you??

Many of us has various reasons in loving someone. Well if you ask me, DO I REALLY NEED A REASON TO LOVE HIM? Why actually do we need reason to fall in love with someone? If my boyfriend ask me ( actually he did)  I will say
I love you because it's you. You were very different from other guys I came across. Till now, I don't know how or why I fall in love with you and I don't want to know. You accepted me with my flaws and so did I. I just want us to be together, loving each other like this forever. I will never leave you and I know you won't because I trust you.:)

SO to my dear reader, don't be sad if you've been left by someone, just wait and I'm sure you'll get someone like Richard or Kris. Perhaps waiting gives you the best. I waited and I'm happy now. Ups and downs are normal. It only last for few minutes and don't let it to destroy relationships..

Good night people...:)
Ps/ I want to buy this book...:D


-Coach- said...

Ahem Ahem :P
I think your bf is very lucky to have you, thats all I need to say :)

shirley@sam said...

ahaa... and so do I...:P