Saturday, August 27, 2011


First of all, I suppose to upload pictures together on this post but SADLY BADLY I didn't bring my USB cable so I can't transfer any pictures from my phone to the computer then upload here.. But I'll do it either tomorrow or next week Thursday..:P

Since Wednesday I think, I'm having good food. Let's say, just last week, I had at CHILLI'S, KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS AND NANDOS.. omg!!!! But that doesn't mean I'm rich I went on sharing basis..:P hehehe...

Not to forget I ate Mcdonald's breakfast, Chicken Mc muffin (or something la its called can't remember, cause I always order money) two burgers.hehee... One I had to myself and the other one I shared.

hahaha... I watched it!! yeah, and I'm so proud of it. To be honest, I'm a very coward girl. I don't like to watch ghost or over violent movies.. I went out with Sendrew last week Thursday and we decided to watch a movie. UNFORTUNATELY, this was the only movie available at that time.. All the other movies showing was late. I was thinking wany many times to watch it and yeah I did.. hahaha.. I think most of the scenes I watched with an eye closed but I did watched certan deaths just like that. Its very the horrifying.. lol.. I don't want to die like that. A peaceful death would be nice..hahahha.:P talking about death, one guy will sure scold me..:p

I'm so bored. I went shopping today and yesterday. Got myself( with sister's money actually) 2 pair of jeans, 2 pair of shoes, and a tshirt.. And I still haven't done with it. Since I'm going on a trip tomorrow, I can only do my shopping next week Thursday or Friday. Still wana get some things..:p

I still few notes to be done before I can start my studying{ I'll only start after my Raya break} and I'm FREAKING LAZY!!! but still I have to get it done..

Might be going for lunch appoinment tomorrow but it is not confirmed yet... Will see how but I'm so going to church in the morning..

Bye bye..

1 comment:

JessicaTan2511 said...

WHOA!!! Our baby shop a lot!!! LOL. Unbelievable!!:P