Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Single, In Relationship, Break Ups, Distance, Problems..SOLUTION~~

After being under depression for days, finally I'm bloging. Since I was being too stress, my blog took break as well. The only reason I was pressured was due to Basic Microbiology Assignment.
~Historical Development of Microbiology
~Future Prospects of Microbiology
We can't just simply copy and paste so I had to read wany many websites and rephrase everything again and again. I had to make sure that it was safe from plagirism. No choice. I'm broke! That's another reason I was being pressured. I have to spend my money wisely not like running tap water. 

After days of thinking of blog title, so yeah I came up with THIS. Actually I only intended of posting about Single versus Couple but what the heck.:P
(This is just my point of view)
I used to be single and I liked it. I didn't have to tell anyone where I'm going or what I'm doing time to time. :D Let's just say I was FREE but lonely of course. I was surrounded by friends but something was missing. I knew it was too early for me. After hearing storied from my friends it was kinda scary to be in relationship with someone. Being single ROCKS! said by many, actually those who are being single to be precise.
Most of friends who are after break ups from their relationship prefers to be single for some time. To get heal from the ache. 
They begin to hate being in relationship. Some won't even get into a new one, some will be with another person immediately. So, which is right? hmm.. okay my blog is running out of topic. Coming back to being single. What else is nice being single? Being social with anyone you want to, going out at any time or with anyone. Do crazy stuffs and don't bother about the safety. 
A friend of mine said being single is totally awesome! Well, as I said earlier, I used to say that. Single does rock, but for how long you going to be single? You need someone somehow to share, to be with, to get rid of the loneliness. Everyone is fated with someone, to be accompanied with that one SPECIAL person.:)

 Being in relationship is an awesome moment. You share your love with the one you love a lot. It doesn't matter who love who the most. All matters is the amount of love you are willing to show to that person. Everyone will have their own way of showing their love. Some end in happiness and some in break ups. Its all depends on both party. The period when you know you like someone and that person likes you back is AWESOMENESS!!! hehehe.. Some couples are really sweet. They really share everything they have together. Till their last day, their love on their special person doesnt fade. That's what you call sweet. Tolerating each other attitude, small fights, the cute romance and the awesome time of being together.:) 

The sad part of being together is BREAK UPS! boomer!! Its the most difficult part! Forgetting the person you love so much is the worst pain you can feel than anything else in this world. 
Simple reasons are because of EGO and STUBBORN! Neither say sorry or accept that it's their fault. As well as the change in them over them. Even the smallest problems can end up as big as the mountain just because no one said SORRY first. Men think its like losing their machoness if they say sorry and women thinks its nonsense, how long we are suppose to say sorry. If these things come up, then who is going lose. Neither gain anything and I believe both will end up heart ache. Then comes being single, single rocks, and bla bla bla...
Another crappy reason is due to DISTANCE! Nonsense! It has nothing to do with it actually. Its just
the mind of two people which change when they are in different place. They get attracted with some other people. Why? What happen to the one you love when you both were at the same place? Nonsense right? Very Nincompoop-ish!

A simple solution to this kind of problems is TALK! Just talk and let the other know how you feel. If you think it's not the right thing to do, then keep quiet. Don't bother. If you really understand the person and love him or her truly then these kind of things are NOTHING. It's just a part of your relationship life and if you can manage it, your marriage is in heaven in future! True love always wins no matter what..:)

To those singles out there, trust me, you'll find someone or that someone will find you eventually. No worries. There will be one point you will hate being single. If you just break up with someone, so what, move on or wait if you really love the person. If it was meant to be, it'll happen.

To those who are being in relationship, dont give up!(Look who's talking) Stay on, Remember everything is just a while. Things will be fine and it's just a TEST for your relationship. 

To those who are in relationship but its complicated, TALK or TOLERATE! You choose. 

Don't simply get into relationship people if you're very unsure and ended up with breakups.. 

Ps/ Jessica, I've blogged...okie...:P


JessicaTan2511 said...

Hmmmmm. Still feel that couple=troublr, single=awesome! :P

shirley@sam said...

I told you.. its my poi!!! u noob..
u were in relationship before.. was it trouble?? it wasnt the relationship.. its the people tat cause it.. so no point blamming it.. think abt it.. ull noe..
ull eventually come to a point tat couple is not trouble actually..;) maybe not now, maybe in future o maybe u felt it before just tat ur denying the fact...

Anonymous said...

NICE!! pakar cinta....
Being single ROCKS!!
Couple?? hmmm...OK!! nothng wrong...