Monday, September 12, 2011


Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.

How many percent do you agree with the quote above?? Or the one below:
There is no long distance about love, it always finds a way to bring hearts together no matter how many miles there are between them.

I will agree to both.:)

I've been hearing stories since a few months ago on distance in people's relationship. Let it be in the same country or different, everyone has a different story and so far I've never got a good story.:(
I'm not happy with the stories I've heard. My friends all ended up in being dumped or their relationship being apart due to distance, and I wonder WHY??? It was really difficult for me to help them. To be honest I didn't know how. It is true, people change when they meet new environment, but changing with you friends is fine, why must you change with the one you love so much? It's not fair for the one that is waiting. How to clear things our among the both? Talk it out, maybe  But I'm sure when you talk, you end up fight, and there comes the saying bye bye part. So what should people do when they face this??

Personally I don't want to face this situation(keeping fingers cross) I know how I will be but at the same time I know I won't get to this situation, because I know.:) 
I'm glad being with the one I'm with right now and I'll say I'm very lucky. Yea we do have our down moments but who doesn't. It's all about how you go through it and still be together. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


 Let see. What shall I blog about.. Yesterday, me and my friends, we have a PRIVATE session. Just to chat and play and dance. hehehe.. yeah, I danced bubble pop. Practically the dance is about me shaking my ass.. You wana watch it, will upload in my next post. hahaha... Before we had our PRIVATE session, we went to Jessica's friend's house for dinner. Lantern dinner lar, and it BBQ. The food was delicious esspecially the lamb. And we played lantern after that. We were like so damn full, and we started our private session kinda late..10.30 p.m to be precise..:P At the dinner, there was this cute boy, his name is raven( i think that's the speeling) couldnt resist so I snapped a picture with him..:P

Our private session ended at 1 o clock after a walk. hahaha.. A very nice, cold, walk.:p We came back and crashed, and this morning the woman, Jessica was keep on waking me up and my head is still not okay( when it was right) My breakfast today was at Mcdonald's and later Jessica is going to make Lemon Chicken, I don't like lemon chicken but will try it this time...

During my raya break, or also known as my tragic break, I think I had the worst vacation ever. Went out for a holiday and it was raining the whole day. We didnt do anything, we couldnt do anything sadly. So the 3 days 2 nights trip became 2 days and 1 night. phew..

 yeah, they are doing something something..:p

 This two was dating..:P

I dont know what it is but I like it..;p

hahaha.. for fun...:p

yeah, I also went to do my hair but you know what!!! One of the tube came out and I burnt my head!!(BOILING WATER WAS RUNNING INSIDE) but it was an accident and I can't blame anyone. The pain was terrible! My whole head was like, you know the pain of being burnt by boiling water.:s I was kinda fine and went to a wedding dinner. Later in the night, I started to notice my forehead started to swell, But it was a little. Next day, my forehead was like bulging out. It kinda was getting bad in the night. The next day, My eyes started to swell. Went to Klang GH, they gave me antibiotic and THAT MADE IT WORST!!! That night, I went to Sri Kota, they checked and asked me to come the next day to see a specialist.I was like what, hello my face! Then I went back to KL that night. On tuesday, went and saw the doctor i usually see, and he asked me WHY YOU WENT TO GH?. He injected me, gave some pills and MC for 2 days. I really didnt like my face cause it was so terrible and I was praying for it to be fine by Friday so that I can go to the airport to say bye bye to Sendrew. but i was recovering... 

Then I got to know that I have attend a meeting on friday for the metabolic race, i was like WTH! So me, Jessica and Gayathiry went to Klang to see Sendrew and say bye bye. The next day, we were like thinking should we go or not and guess what we did!!! We took cab, and we went.. :P
I was really sad but at the same time happy for him. He is going there for a good thing so it's okay. And its just a while.

Things are like so different now. My phone is very silent now. I need to get a sim card so that its easier and cheaper for me to text. Currently I'm waiting for February. Actually I'm waiting for September 2016 I think.. hopefully..:)

just a while...hmmmm...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Stuck between two moods..

As the title says, yea, I'm stuck between two moods. I don't know whether I should be happy, normal, smiling or cry, sad, under go depression. I always get stuck in this way and most of the the time(all the time) I end up crying. I'm too sensitive and I just can't control the bloody tear coming out of my eyes...:s How am I going to control, I don't know... Maybe that's just the way I am but it's very annoying. Very! I hate myself for it. I shouldn't be this way. At this time. I'm very mad.. Mad as in angry, irascible, angry.. Name it. Damn!

I'm trying to calm myself by listening to music and it's not helping actually. I just feel like like.. I don't know..
I should divert my mind. Most probably I'll be doing that by studying. Finals are a month from now and I need to do my revision.