Saturday, December 31, 2011


This post is the RECAP of 2011 as today is the last day of this year...:)

January: My niece was with me on the first day of the year.:) Then my birthday! It's one of the BEST birthday i've ever had and a big THANK YOU to all..:) Other than that, I got to know something which upset me a lot.:( and i was really shocked. I really tried to overcome it, and yeah I did..;)
January was nothing but the shocking.

February: When comes to February, it's all about Valentine's Day.:) My very first one.:) I didnt go out on that day, but I went out the next day. Who cares, the point is I did celebrate it. It was simple yet the best!!!! Other than that, I met up with my two close friends, Bad and Susu..:) I really had an AWESOME time with them. We talked, walked more talked. I remember the movie we watched, Yogi Bear...:P I'm smarter than the average Bear..hehehehe..:) It was also my last month in Ilham. I was very excited cause I told myself NOT to stay here again.. Never ever.. :P
February was nothing but the fun..:)

March: My finals for the last sem for Foundation. LOL. It was kinda fast. I enjoyed my foundation life and I'll say its the best so far. I was so sad that I wont be with my friends AND I wont be able to see Sendrew everyday like I use to, but everyone has to move Other than that, my nephew celebrated his 9th birthday at TGIF and I was VEGETARIAN due to Lent Month.. Vege at
March was nothing but the vege..:P

April: I had my MUET test this month and I sprained my ankle on my speaking test. dammn!!!! I also got to know that I wont be able to do pharmacy course due to some grading stuff which totally UPSET me to the maXX!!! I was crying non stop and kept thinking about without figuring out ways to deal with it.
April was nothing but the sad..:(

May: This month is the most HECTIC month of the year. I had to decide what am I going to further on and I was traveling from KL to Shah Alam non stop. Once I decided to BBM, the orientation was in 2 weeks time. That was the  worst week. But I met two awesome people, my coursemate!! :) I had to stay at Ilham again due to no house availability around MSU area..:(
May was nothing but the hectic.

June: My classes started and I got to know new people. New people but the same I was really determined to obtain straight A's for all the exam. 
June was nothing but the usual...:)

July: One thing that strike my mind about July is 29. hehehehe... not to forget this year's 29 July was the BEST day ever!!! I was smiling the whole day and I made that person smile all the time as well. Most of the dates in this month brought me various memories and I'll keep it forever in my mind. Beside that, I was preparing myself for my mid sem for the following month. 
July was nothing but memories....

August: My mid sem and my dah's birthday. I wanted to do something special for him so I decided to give a surprise party as well as farewell. It wasnt 100% surprise but everyone ENJOYED it. :) HE did.:) Jess, Gaya and my housemates really helped me a lot with the party and I owe them  big one forever.:) 
August was nothing but happy..:)

September: oh boy, my dah has to fly to India to study and I got myself into an accident. Nothing to do with vehicles it was to my head at a Salloon. Ive blogged about it actually..:P During this time, I begin to talk more to my friends and became more attached to them. I had an awesome TANNI PARTY with them. I'll never forget that day, when we got sort of drunk and danced..:p however, I was kinda feeling lonely. No matter how many people you're surrounded you'll still feel lonely if there 's absence of that particular person..
September was nothing but the lonely...

October: I had my finals during this month and my sem break. All I did during sem break was SLEEP.:P
October was nothing but the sleeping...:P

November: Sem 2 starts and my doomsday begin. Basic Micrbiology taught by YOU know who..:P However she only started her class in december. we did a very thing for Jess on her brthday and I still feel its not enough. I'll plan properly for next year...:P
November was nothing but getting back..

December: This month, I had on and off fever, high blood pressure and name it all because of micro.. I noticed that I started to stop thinking of other subjects and kept my focus only on micro which was not a good thing.. :( I went for an holiday as well and it was FUN! i ENJOYED myself..:) 
December was nothing but BP!!

Overall, 2011 was okay. I had ups and downs as usual. There were days I cried, laughed, smiled, hurt, and so on. I'm sure its the same thing again on 2012. Everyone has problems. We have to get through it no matter what... All I can say now is I'm ready for 2012.. BRING IT ON!!:P

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Two Weeks....

I only have fourteen days left to be 20!! That's FAST! It's still unbelievable! lol.
Me turning into 20. No more teen and I'm going into adulthood. lol Me being an adult is FUNNY...hehehehe..

People around me said they already have plans and they are not going to leave me on my birthday. Common lar, its just a birthday..
I'm not really in mood to celebrate as my Mid-Sem is following week. Ill be in stress mode :S
I have other reasons as well. Due to that, birthday next year is just another day for me... Who cares If I'm turning 20..:P

I always dream of getting myself s SURPRISE party.. Sadly badly, no one did that for me. I'm not expecting any because I find its troubling others. I know how it is. You have prepare everything. The cake, the present, invite people, make sure the birthday person is FREE on that day, place, time, and bla bla bla.. Its not hard but it really takes time and energy. So doing a party for someone, you must really put 100% of yourself to make sure everything goes PERFECT. Its kinda hard lar, so its OK. I don't mind not having a party. Maybe just a dinner with my loved ones, and a a surprise gift. I feel that, if you want to celebrate a person's birthday, try to make it on the actual day. Its more fun! And gifts. You should wrap em nicely, with card.:) The feeling of receiving a gift from someone, is AWESOMENESS!! Not to forget BIRTHDAY SONG! Everyone is singing for YOU! only you! Isn't that great?!!! hehehehe.. last but not the least, the CAKE! I love cakes! Any my most favourite, :P Homemade Butter cake with thick icing.:P hehehe.. These are just Lil things I wish to happen. Obviously ill be getting the song and gifts and most probably the dinner but there will be something missing. A small little piece in that excitement.:(
Will see how it goes. For those planned something, just keep it as SIMPLE as possible. Don't trouble yourself!!!:)

I LOVE THIS CHAIN. hehehe.. Actually, it was bought for someone else but I ended up wearing it. Its suits me better..oopss..:P
 SL, my initials..:P

I came to a conclusion that a year from last month, I'll be having high blood pressure. I'll get fever often and my heart beat rate will increase at least twice a week, for two hours. Trust me, those understand this will know it well.

Me and Jess went to SACC Mall today and we saw Bonia, Sembonia and one more name(i forgot) SALE! I texted my sisters and their reply was, YOU BUY FOR ME LAR. I was like, ><"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Single, In Relationship, Break Ups, Distance, Problems..SOLUTION~~

After being under depression for days, finally I'm bloging. Since I was being too stress, my blog took break as well. The only reason I was pressured was due to Basic Microbiology Assignment.
~Historical Development of Microbiology
~Future Prospects of Microbiology
We can't just simply copy and paste so I had to read wany many websites and rephrase everything again and again. I had to make sure that it was safe from plagirism. No choice. I'm broke! That's another reason I was being pressured. I have to spend my money wisely not like running tap water. 

After days of thinking of blog title, so yeah I came up with THIS. Actually I only intended of posting about Single versus Couple but what the heck.:P
(This is just my point of view)
I used to be single and I liked it. I didn't have to tell anyone where I'm going or what I'm doing time to time. :D Let's just say I was FREE but lonely of course. I was surrounded by friends but something was missing. I knew it was too early for me. After hearing storied from my friends it was kinda scary to be in relationship with someone. Being single ROCKS! said by many, actually those who are being single to be precise.
Most of friends who are after break ups from their relationship prefers to be single for some time. To get heal from the ache. 
They begin to hate being in relationship. Some won't even get into a new one, some will be with another person immediately. So, which is right? hmm.. okay my blog is running out of topic. Coming back to being single. What else is nice being single? Being social with anyone you want to, going out at any time or with anyone. Do crazy stuffs and don't bother about the safety. 
A friend of mine said being single is totally awesome! Well, as I said earlier, I used to say that. Single does rock, but for how long you going to be single? You need someone somehow to share, to be with, to get rid of the loneliness. Everyone is fated with someone, to be accompanied with that one SPECIAL person.:)

 Being in relationship is an awesome moment. You share your love with the one you love a lot. It doesn't matter who love who the most. All matters is the amount of love you are willing to show to that person. Everyone will have their own way of showing their love. Some end in happiness and some in break ups. Its all depends on both party. The period when you know you like someone and that person likes you back is AWESOMENESS!!! hehehe.. Some couples are really sweet. They really share everything they have together. Till their last day, their love on their special person doesnt fade. That's what you call sweet. Tolerating each other attitude, small fights, the cute romance and the awesome time of being together.:) 

The sad part of being together is BREAK UPS! boomer!! Its the most difficult part! Forgetting the person you love so much is the worst pain you can feel than anything else in this world. 
Simple reasons are because of EGO and STUBBORN! Neither say sorry or accept that it's their fault. As well as the change in them over them. Even the smallest problems can end up as big as the mountain just because no one said SORRY first. Men think its like losing their machoness if they say sorry and women thinks its nonsense, how long we are suppose to say sorry. If these things come up, then who is going lose. Neither gain anything and I believe both will end up heart ache. Then comes being single, single rocks, and bla bla bla...
Another crappy reason is due to DISTANCE! Nonsense! It has nothing to do with it actually. Its just
the mind of two people which change when they are in different place. They get attracted with some other people. Why? What happen to the one you love when you both were at the same place? Nonsense right? Very Nincompoop-ish!

A simple solution to this kind of problems is TALK! Just talk and let the other know how you feel. If you think it's not the right thing to do, then keep quiet. Don't bother. If you really understand the person and love him or her truly then these kind of things are NOTHING. It's just a part of your relationship life and if you can manage it, your marriage is in heaven in future! True love always wins no matter what..:)

To those singles out there, trust me, you'll find someone or that someone will find you eventually. No worries. There will be one point you will hate being single. If you just break up with someone, so what, move on or wait if you really love the person. If it was meant to be, it'll happen.

To those who are being in relationship, dont give up!(Look who's talking) Stay on, Remember everything is just a while. Things will be fine and it's just a TEST for your relationship. 

To those who are in relationship but its complicated, TALK or TOLERATE! You choose. 

Don't simply get into relationship people if you're very unsure and ended up with breakups.. 

Ps/ Jessica, I've blogged...okie...:P

Friday, November 25, 2011

My weekdays...:)

Since I've already blogged about my first day of Second Semester, this post is about the balance four days.:P

Our first class at 8.00 a.m. Anatomy and Physiology 2.{Morning class} Guess what, I'm the class rep! Yeay for me which means I have extra work to do, such as emailing people notes.:( I hate that job actually but no choice. The class was only for an hour. After that we went to Hameed's to have our breakfast and as usual we did some photo snapping session. We don't have anything better to do..:P

First time trying teh-c...LOL
After our snapping session, we did some talking session as well.:p Then, we went to Plaza Shah Alam. :D For lepaking purposes because our next class was at 3.00p.m. We need to do something to kill our time. We intended to hang out at Starbucks first since its a very classy looking place and get free WI-FI, :P but we went too early. So we were walking around the place and did our usual thing..:P

We hit starbucks, finally.hahaha.. Me and Gaya wanted to start Nail Art Service. So we did our discussion and open a fan page. It's very cheap actually and now its under promotion. Check out the link below,
Nail Art Service.:)

Once there, we bought one drink, Chocolate Caramel and it tasted YUMMY! Starbucks lar, what you expect.:P

We finished talking our service and went to have lunch. Actually only Gaya had lunch. I was still feeling full..
Then we went to our class, BIOCHEMISTRY. It was kinda funny, he asked what is biomedicine and we all were like, errrm, urrm, hmmm... When I wanted to answer he said he will ask in his next class. So too bad for that.:P And thats all for that day.:P I came back home and was crapping with my housemates.

Again our class today was 8 and it was Bio statistic. I still remember the question he asked,
hahahahha.. Again we went to Plaza Shah Alam(lifeless people) but this time I was craving foR SUBWAY!
Me and Jess had a coupon. Buy 1 free 1 but sadly badly there were three of us so we decided to use and get one extra, divide the money, so that we can eat again next week.:D hahaha..
And I realise when it comes to Subway, don't bother about your image.:P

After our branch, we went to Krispe Kreme to HANG OUT! Jess bought doughnuts and we just sat there, and rot..:P I was checking out nail art designs in youtube. Around 3 something we left the place coz our class is at 4. Sadly badly the lecturer didnt come. We left the place at 4.30. Came back home and I did my usual stuffs.:P

Jess and Gaya suppose to stay over today since the next day is that noob's birthday..:P But things went upside down so only Gaya stayed over. Class was at 5!!!!! but we meet up 3 something. We had some chit chat and had ice cream. Half way, my adik came by and I was talking to him. It was so nice to talk to him. It been quite some time since the last we had a good talk but unfortunately it was only for half an hour.
We went to class and the sir came 15 minutes LATE! lol. The moment he started his class one thing he said reminded me of Sendrew, He said Bio Chemistry is "nothing but the" bla bla bla. I was like what?!!! Sendrew told me his leturers use to say that. Since my sir is from India as well, I suppose he know that line. He was very knowledgable. He really knows his thing and all. In the night, we had nail art service to do at Brunsfield. After class we went there quickly. It only ended at 8.30. Came home, went out for dinner, then online, skyped and slept.

Jeng Jeng Jeng. BASIC MICROBIOLOGY! hahaha.. But she didnt come..:(
sigh.. So only English class and I'm the class rep! Yeay again...:S Even though my microbio lecturer didn't turn up, we waited till
And I was in FORMAL for her!

Its this monkey's birthday today. Officially a young lady. We sang her birthday song sharp, 12 All of us!!! I really want like that for mine, and the one reads this, should know what he should do on 3rd January!:P
We got her a hello kitty stuffed toy and secret recipe cake. Not to forget I put a little bit of icing from the cake on her FACE! Whats a birthday without putting cake on the birthday person's face right. And amazingly for the first time I escaped! Usually no matter who's birthday it is, I'll be the victim as well but today I was safe!:)

I have some studying to do tomorrow but it depends on what time I'm going to wake up.:P