Monday, June 28, 2010

First day after 3 weeks...

Yeap..First day indeed..
Woke up EARLY in the morning(6.30 a.m. is VERY VERY VERY EARLY in my dictionary), got ready and headed straight to the usual place where i always wait for MSU bus, And amazingly it came right on time today{weird} Reached MSU and the only thing I saw was this big logo which is really Waited for Mohana at CNC, the usual place and she came 15 minutes later. As usual, we girls have so many things to chitter chatter about and that what we did while waiting for the accounts deparment to open at 9.00 a.m. While waiting, sendrew came and after a while chris came. Hence, the day begin. With my three friends. GOT ourselves the number and my number was like 1009!!!!!WHAT???!!!!!! sendrew was 1010 and chris's one was 1011, and then he told "IM NOT PAYING TODAY"..dey......
Out of sudden this lady begin to call up the numbers between 1011 till 1020, Mohana just took the number form him, grabbed me and headed to the counter, anf there it goes, settled!!MY THING!!!LOL..
Had to wait for sendrew, pity while waiting all the stories came back..FLASHBACK!!lol.. and some bullying happened.. My friends love to bully me..{and I myself enjoys it sometimes..shhhhhhh} once he was done it was just nice for to meet up Yunithra.. And yeah we did a hell of walking. I was so hungry and wanted to have fast food. So we headed to Giant which was a bit of walk. Once there, we got a text saying "can you come to A608" from our mentor. We were like...what???!!!!!
so WE WALKED BACK..told you did a hell of walking today.. headed to her office as she was not in the room, did some signing(maklumla famous..=P), and got our new timetable which was like..crap!!!!! PHYSICS, CHEM, BASIC ANATOMY, MATHS 2, COCU!!!!!!!T.T
And not forget we got mentoring at 3.oo p.m. Mohana had to give something to her housemate so she say "come let's go to brunsfield". And we were like "cum, lets go. actually it was me"hahaha..
We went to level 5 where the swimming pool and a mini playground is. Did playing like a small kid (age is just a number..doesnt matter) AND NOT TO FORGOT, I ALSO DID SOME RUNNING.. they should know....:P
then archanaa asked to come over to her house, and thats what we did. AND THERE GOES MY DAY!! I GOT BULLIED!!! TO THE MAX.. BY USING MY STITCH!!!aarrrghhh!!! i was so damn exhausted thats for sure.
Then we left to MSU and i used the staircase. from 5th floor right up to ground floor..(arent im good).
Mentoring was ok until i got to know that we have to a community service and we have to volunteer ourselves to clean the zoo. {WHY?WHY??WHY???WHY ZOO????}
aS I DONT ANY OTHER CHOICE I HAVE TOO. The service is on 7th July.. sigh..Lets see how its going to

My oath-taking ceremony is this wed and I have to wear baju batik..sigh....


p.s/im cooking tomorrow!!!:P


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Back to Shah Alam..

And yeah. I'm back to Shah Alam. Came around noon, cleaned up, unpacked, slept, woke up, bath, ate, did ironing and now back to FACEBOOKING. Results are out tomorrow and it's freaking me out to the maximum. Eventhough I slept like a log just now, I'm still sleepy. WEIRD!! Had a very weird dream and wish I't wont happen again...arrgh...Just to think of it, it makes me to shimmer..
Back to my daily routine tomorrow. Have to wake up at 6.15 a.m. and get the bus at 7.20 a.m.

MSU here I come after 3 weeks!!!!!


Saturday, June 26, 2010


What a boring day.sigh.........

I'm going back to Shah Alam after 3 weeks break and as i mentioned in my previous post, yeah I gotta start back EVERYTHING. Waking up early, prepare my own food, hunt for food, wash clothes, do my own bed and STUDYING!!! Well i have to get up early on Monday morning because i need to pay for the pre-reg and I got an information that MY RESULTS MAY COME OUT ON MONDAY!!!WTH???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I'm officially freaking out!!hate this way..It's the same feeling I had on SPM result's day.

sigh. I dont think so I did well for my exam and yeah my sister is going to freak out once she read this..So, here comes the dilemma.


Friday, June 25, 2010

What is your name meaning..... please check it

It is true and It is not it great. I know that your perplex of your name meaning so I have simple method for your name meaning please follow below instruction and find out what each latter of your name means. Then connect all the meanings and it describes YOU.
Instructions : What you do is find out what each letter of your name means.If you have double or triple letters, just count the meaning once.


S--> You are very broad-minded
H-->You are not judgmental
I-->You are always smiling and making others smile
R--> You are a social butterfly
L--> Love is something you deeply believe in
E--> You are a very exciting person
Y--> You cause a lot of trouble

L--> Love is something you deeply believe in
O--> You are very open-minded
U--> You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards
R--> You are a social butterfly
D--> You have trouble trusting people
E--> You are a very exciting person
S--> You are very broad-minded

Meaning of A - Z :-
A -> You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind
B -> You are always cautious when it comes to meeting newpeople
C -> You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it
D -> You have trouble trusting people
E -> You are a very exciting person
F -> Everyone loves you
G -> You have excellent ways of viewing people
H -> You are not judgmental
I -> You are always smiling and making others smile
J -> Jealously
K -> You like to try new things
L -> Love is something you deeply believe in
M -> Success comes easily to you
N -> You like to work, but you always want a break
O -> You are very open-minded
P -> You are very friendly and understanding
Q -> You are a hypocrite
R -> You are a social butterfly
S -> You are very broad-minded
T -> You have an attitude, a big one
U -> You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards
V -> You have a very good physique and looks
W -> You like your privacy
X -> You never let people tell you what to do
Y -> You cause a lot of trouble
Z -> You're always fighting with someone

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know I'm trying to be myself again. As how I use to be. Funny?? Yeah I know... Met a friend last Sunday and she said "Shirley, you're not the Shirley I know..Back in Form 2.. The one that is always laughing, smilling, happy, clowning around" And I went like..."WHAT???!!!! YEAH I GOT THE POINT.." So, this is I am..

Secondary school was just OK.. That's all I can say. Yes, I did have fun with my friends,, Went out without parents knowing(oopsss..typical), went EARLY to school just to lepak with friends, volunteer to help teachers just to get out of the class, talking in class while teacher is teaching, right short messages in a piece of paper and giving to the friend next to you, represented school in various things(just to get out of school), small and STUPID fights with friends, misunderstandings among ouselves, jumping and hanging around like a monkey in school, chatting with teacher, PMR stress, went dark for MERDEKA dance, first show in school, choreopgraphed my first song, danced infront of people, talked in front of people, sprained both of my ankles at the same time(awkward), hated a few people, first crush, first heartbroken, few heatbrokens, untold stories, revenge, competition, racist, unsuccessful dreams, escape from uniform units, responsibilities as preseident, secretary and so on, eating in classrooms, brought handphone to school, suprise birthday celebration, went for swimming with friends, completed a year full in tuition center, having slurpee as lunch, sitting down infront of MAYBANK, hot guys with girlfriends, teasing and bullying, copying friends work, helping friends, RE-BUILT THE POND, FORM 5 ENGLISH CLASS, sitting infront, ADDITIONAL MATHEMATHICS, SPM PRESSURE, last minute preparation, rice with chicken from a shop under the bridge and THE LIST GOES ON..

I have to say I do miss my secondary school life despite the problems I had. But I did manage to find ways to create memories and be happy at times with my FRIENDS..

And this is a special one for SUSU, BAD AND ATIQ:
"sorry I didnt see you'all that day, Hope you'll understand. I'm very very sorry and missing you'll like hell T.T"


time to,



Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Here I am once again back after a loooooooooooooooong break...TOLD YOU IM LAZY ON MY FIRST POST!!!!!hehehee...Anyway I'm under my first semester break and it's about to end. 3 weeks is quiet short yet BORING!!!! I know i suppose to catch up with my friends but due to something, i was cancelling all the plans..

  • Mood swing..

  • Hormone problem..


To be honest, yeah i can't wait for second semester. Can't believe I'm saying this but i can't wait to study.. THAT'S A BIG LOL!!!!

Went to JUSCO AEON yesterday with collegemates, and guess what unexpected happen..

While watching the movie, halfway, it went off. Then suddenly, this guy(the one that works there)came in and said BREAK!! I was like WHAT???!!!!"HEY I WAN MY MONEY BACK"..I was happy for a while hopping to get my money return because the movie was sort off BORING.. Yet it was screened back..TALK ABOUT UNLUCKY..sigh!!!!

Going to watch KNIGHT AND DAY tommorow!!YEAY!!! And i may go for second show on Friday or Saturday with Bad...LOL....


nitezzzz people...