Saturday, January 31, 2009

day out.

went out wit my regular blog reader..i didnt put ur name ah.. puchong to have lunch.. n he was late...:( the food was ok ok.. good la.. hm fotgot the name of the restaurant..something melur..hmm..wateva la kan.. after that me sis n he were fighting to go to IOI mall.. but end up at mc d.. had mc flurry as usual..wakaka..n it rained heavily.. we gotta wait inside the mc d for a few hours..n still got wet in the rain.went back to sis place and waited for her n went to jj.. had nuggets there...hahhahaha..:p wating a lot nowadays.. did snap pics though....

in car while waiting...

the restaurant

was checking in fs n juzt posted a buletin..i guess i wont loss if i copy n paste it here too...=p

1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?
` huh??!!!

2. Do you trust all of your friends?
` hahahahaha...

3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?

` oh yeah.i'm waiting for it actually..:P

4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
` definitely...

5. Can you make a dollar in change right now?
` nop..i dont even hv a dollar..=P

6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?
` ling..badariah,shahirah, ...

7. Are you afraid of falling in love?
` hahahahha..not really

9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?
` yesh!!!

10. Whats your most favorite scar?
` none..i hate scars..

11. When was the last time you flew in a plane?
` hmm 0...hahahahha

12. What did the last text message you sent say?
` what is ridz number?

13. What features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex?
` errr.... alot.....huhuhu

14. Fill in the blank. I love:
` GOD..

15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
` get 11A1 IN SPM...aku boleh....

16. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
` hmmm whoveva in the hosp at tat momment..

17. How many kids do you want to have?
` 3...EHE...

18. Would you make a good parent?

` of course..hahahhaha...

19. Where was your default picture taken?

` from susu..

20. Whats your middle name?
` urrrrrrrmmmmmmm.

21. Honestly, whats on your mind right now?
` sleep sleep sleep sleep...zzzzzzz

22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
` told him tat i "like" him..oh pls can i reverse back..

23. Who was or will be the maid of honor/ best man in your wedding?

` hmmm thinkin..

24. What are you wearing right now?

` t-shirt and shorts

25. Righty or Lefty?

` huh???

26. Best place to eat?

` ROOM...

27. Favorite jeans?

` wateva jeans i wear..

28. Favorite animal?
` monkey..

29. Favorite juice?

` apple juice..

30. Have you had the chicken pox?
` no...

31. Have you had a sore throat?
` oh yeah.. wen i hv orange juice n wet in rain at the same time

32. Ever had a bar fighT?

` NOPE!!!

33. Who knows you the best?

` sister and friends

34. Shoe size?

` 6 to 8..hahahha=D

35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
` glasses

36. Ever been in a fight with your pet?

` yea

37. Been to Mexico?

` no..

38. Did you buy something today?

` stitch sticker.....

39. Did you get sick today?
` no..HEH!

40. Do you miss someone today?
` oh yea...

41. Did you get in a fight with someone today?

` nephew.

42. When is the last time you had a massage?

` thursday

43. Last person to lay in your bed?
` no one for the past 7 years!!before tat my nephew wen he was 1 year old.....

44. Last person to see you cry?

` MY teacher...

45. Who made you cry?

` hahahha..secret

46. What was the last TV show you watched?

` wizards in waverly place

47. What are your plans for the weekend?

` sleep, study fin

48. Who do you think will repost this?

` duno

49. Who was the last person you hung out with?

` sisters and nephew...

50. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY what would you say?

` nonononononononononononono....

can't wait for tom..sis is making mee hoon pedas mouth has already started to water..hahahha..reli cant wait to eat..wakakaka.. till then me go do my bm presentation..den i go zzz..hahahahha.....

Friday, January 30, 2009


after a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.. i'm back..
as i meantioned in my first post i'm a lazy girl that dont have time to blog. well, it came true..hahaha.. too much homeworks/tasks/sports day is on the way/pond/ haizz.. too many things to do,,,n oh yeah REVISION!!!i have no time at all to do my revision for SPM.. but better start lorh....haha.. for the past two days me n my friends went to school to mengubahsuai our kolam.. n boy its a lot of work.. damn tiring. it looks like an easy job but its not...a guy from sumwhr voluntereed to help us after seeing us struggling with the pond. so we decided to stop the work and we came back thursday no work was done.. we got pist and we started to dig.. more work..more back pain... i was fully covered with mud on wed n thurs..hehehehe... then my teacher got a call that he coudnt dig on the previous day due to haeavy rain.. fine we accepted his apology..hehehe..went to seetharam to have lunch.. miss valle belanja us on we n thus..hahhaha..lucky us!!!!wakakakak.

makan time!!!!!
well, will try to keep updated.. since i
ll be sleeping late everyday starting next moth.. my hols are really really over!!!!!hahhaha..
till then..bye..
waiting for dhiv to cum over.hmmmmm............

Friday, January 9, 2009


school days has been pretty boring for the past 3 days.. and we had gotong-royong on the 4th day.. thats fast right.. half of us had to stay in class and a few had to go to chemistry lab and the rest 7 had to clean up our class garden which is also known as TAMAN KELAB PENCINTA ALAM!! since i was officially a member i was fine with cleaning up the garden.. miss valle asked some of us to volunteer to clean up the pond which was built 5 years ago.. me and dhivyah was the first two to volunteer.. since it invovled water..hahaha..and then bad and andrea joined.. but the cleaning was only after recess..we were scared first but didnt wanted to come out of it after a few was FUN!!! with a few fishes and so on.. maklumla nature lover.hahaha.. we even saw and felt the real TANAH LIAT.. it was so silvery and so smooth.. it seemed that its good if you applied it on your face.. my friends did on theirs and MINE!!!!! i became model for the day!!!!!but wth it was FUN!! we even suggest to make the pond bigger and make it more beautiful.. atleast do something before we leave the school..since its our last year...:(

me and atiq having nasi ayam.. the best food you can get at my school canteen..

candid perhaps...

we were trying to get in.. i was oldest and got to get in first..:P

boleh posing jugak kan...

cleaning up the pond...

pic time..

washed my face.. could take bath actually

with tanah liat..

intro miss valle

it is so much better..
more better once it is re-construct..hahahaha
the day was fun..really fun..and hoping more..hehehehe.. cant wait to built the pond..hehehe..
and today was my principle's last day..sob sob.. i'm not that sad actually..hehehehe.. anyway good luck to her in heer new school SMK DATOK LOKMAN...
and the new principle for my school is from SBU.. got some info from tuiton friend.. she is kinda i better watch out..huhu..
gotta go and eat my pizza..its waiting..hehehehe...till then..chowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

first day of the last year of school...

first day of school~BORING!!!!!!!!
after recess~SUPRISED AND ANNOYED!!!!!!

hahahahha... went to school..haizz...first day itself was so damn boring...tank god brought camera..was snapping pics only..hahaha..met with all and talked and talked and talked!!!!!!everything.. past present and even FUTURE..oolalaa...hehehehe...
oh yeah got present from PN.Shiveh.. ring ooo....luv it.. and also from bad,susu,ila, kim yee...

introducing li wen..she can speak tamil oh..

present from kimyee

she gv me 2 high school musical 3 file.. thank u!!!!

my watch and bad's wan...

we love to fight...hahahah..for fun

after recess went to help pn. shiveh with dhivyah..and other classmates were having a suprise party.. not so big..a small one...

tats the cake....

just knowing they had a suprise i was shocked!!!!!didnt expected it at all..hahahahaha...

and they did achieve their dream by smashing cake on my face!!!! i will take revenge on them/more on my list!!!!wakakkakak...

my whole class!!!!!

~from bad

~from susu

~from pn shiveh

havent snap pics of all the gift i got.. will soon.. and btw no studying tom!!!!yaya... gotong-royong..yueks!!!!
but wth will hv fun..hahaha..will try to hv fun..hahahha..till then...bye!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


well, i'm 17 officially!!!hahahahhaha..cant believe it all.. first i was 7 and now 17 wow... time has past ao fast!!!!! had an amazing birthday.. friends were calling in the night and so on.. and got myself free call maxis to maxis to whole whoeva that sent me a message i called them and wished.. some i was even talking more than an hour.. thats right.. the smilling ones ..u shud noe urself..hahahahhaha... mornn woke up and got ready and hit my sis place.. nickson gave a hug and he was so anxious to give my presnt and he was sweet.. my sisters aso gave but i had a send its goin to be something regarding stitch so i told i'll open later when i cut my cake or something.. after that we went to kopitiam to have breakfast...

exactly 10 years diff...
then later we sent nickson to his art class and went to jaya jusco to get my cake and starbucks..hahahaha... and to check on p.s. i love you...:P
iced carammel machiatto..

oo finally got the book...
i was finding fot it high and low at MPH and i got it...

my cake is inside

later we went fecth nickson and went home for a while.. was wathcing online hindi movie rabe ne bana jodi i tink.. hehehe..shahrukh khan pic lor..hehehehe...but we just wacthed part 1 and hit to TS for my lunch!!!!


HAD LUnCH AT papa john'S

cheesestick..bread with fav!!!!!!yummy!!!1

my lunch..hahahahah
papa john's chicken wings...

cindy busy cutting the chicken wing..sure in her mind thinking god!!i'm so hungry!!!hehehehehe.....

enjoying my pizza...

snowball.. tropical fruits covered with strawberry syrup and whiiped cream with cherry on top..hehehehe

me and chris

dia suka sangat


cindy eating dessert....

the place whr i had my lucnh!!!
then we went to borders to get THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES..HEHEHE..
we hit the house back since all were tired cause we were roaming around t.s for loong time..
came back and cont wacthin the mvi.. 6 parts were balance...then decided myself to open the gift cause we planned to cut the cake at the place that we were goin to have dinner..
gitfs i received on 3rd jan

given by cindy..reli liked it soooooo much...

my FAV card!!!!!!

i got phone from sindy and chris..ahahaha...i was in tears..too emotional..hahahahah

i coudnt believe at all i would get a phone.. but i promise myslef wont be too much into the phone..finished wathing the movie and it was damn nice.. seriously was superb!!!!
waited for my bro in law to have dinner.. and we went to roadhouse grill..
all sat exactly before the entrance cause it was kinda full...huhuhu...

nickson dinner.he was schoked because he didnt expect this to come.hahahah

forgot the name but it was damn nice

my dinner..


i taught him to do the pose..

once we finish eating the cake came in.....
my birthday cake..opera house or something..hehehforgot..

the fire on the candle wanted to go off actually

was trying hard..hehehe

father and son wanted to do this..the even planned so loong ago...will revenge both..wakakakaka...

dia masih tak puas

my sister cindy feeding me and she is overjoyed!!hahahaha

my elder sis...

atlast he gave in a good way but waited too long..

the drink was free..

birthday girl and nickson

the place whr i ended my birthday
well thats all on 3rd january 2009..a friend of my sister's wanted to treat we headed to tony roma's at pavillion.. MR RR punya treat.. we also brought nickson along since they both know each other...

good pic right.. mr.RR shud see this..

my lunch and breakfast:P

sister's lunch and breakfast

it looks nice but i didnt taste..wakakaka...
well, thats all i guess.... very long hor..hehehehe...
birthday was nice and different this year.. and tom is school..i dun wan to go but no choice.
very scared sue to SPM la... haizzz... hols finished in zap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want more hols... or no school at all. just a few months more i'll be schooless..hehehehe..
but im sad cause gona miss all my school life and all those monkey stuff i use to do.. so must do the monkey stuff secukup-cukupnya this year starting tom itself..hehehehe..till then wana go and sleep now... so will blog tom on first day of school..hehehe.