Monday, December 22, 2008

love is vibration...

my blog was taking rest for the past 2 days...
let se..on saturday the carolling con't and it was more tiring because my house was the last so had to clean the house.{even sis brought the maid i still had to mop the kitchen again..haizz.}
it was saturday so my sis turn to clean the dishes..lucky me..huhuhu...
woke up late yesterday so coudn't go to church but i was rushing to tuiton...


bio was good..i kinda like bio but i hate the part hafaling all the fakta..haizz...sickening..
went it somes to physic we studied Barton's Pendulum..
he is a phsycologist so the way he understand people is not by talking to them but through the vibration..

my sir connected that to love pulak..he said love is a vibrationg..
each have diff heart beat..but when your heart beat is same as the other means vibration is going on..oo lalaa..


it was interesting and a very simple theory..

well thats all i guess.still waiting for carolling pics..
hmm.. till then bye,,

i have to go & COOK..:P

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