Sunday, March 22, 2009

nickson's 7th birthday

nickson is 7 years old today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DARLING!!!!!!!!! he is my bf btw. who cares bout the age kan..hahahahahaha.. anyway.. the party was simple n fun!!! oh yeah me n my sis woke early let say around 7.0 n chow to my elder sis place to decorate. we hang the back drop(which was prepared by me.=p), blow balloons..(the pump was useless..wasting my oxygen oni), and got the place happening sikit.. nickson didnt know that me n my sis will be there as we told him that i gotta go to tuiton n cindy got work. he was indeed suprised. he very bling bling all day long.hahaha.. his frens made the house more happening.. muzzaffar,aizan and didi.. hahaha. they are reli cute and they oni me well. biasalakan...hahahaha... pics of the day!! as if i can resist of taking pics..hahahah.. i was the photographer anyway.....
cindy busy preparing..

goodie bag section
the DECO!!!! made by ME!!!!

the cake...

the jelly cake..sedap...nak order minta no kat say yer..


the family

the aunties.. nah.frens....hahahahah..

the ladies....

his buddies...

ready t0 cut the cake..

already cut..hahahaha

his dear father this is the cake la.. cantik ryte..

the dear mom..

hahaha..cindy kena ..

a proper one

my turn..

pity the him.. he did to me and this time the revenge...hahahahah

he didnt liek it though.. but he will do after 20 years..hahahaa

he was wating fot this momment.. got himself PSP from the father.. he wanted it so much since lat year and finally he got it..according to him PSP was the best gift.obviously right

gift from the mum.. guitar..

busy playing PSP.. he really catch up very damn fast...

n tats all.. tat one talking on the phone with ____.the one read shud noe... hahahahahahha...

back to skul tom.. i dun wan to go.. ORAL!!!!!!!!! oh sheeep!!!!!!!! havent hafal.. must do it now!!wont blog tom coz got a lot of work to do.. hope leng leng reli print my oral.. u better!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!school hols are over!!!!!!well not techinically but for me it is.. it weekend already.. oh dear. monday back to school.. i dun wana go to school .back to hw and all the bla bla bla...
sis is at home.she is very sick..=(sore throat.. cannot speak.. had to be her translatter for a day.. not complaning but its quite hard to understand.. will brush up my skills..hahaha... got myself a new name..puppy!!! thx very much.....=p
after this gotta fin my work.. which is my nephew's deco.. his birthday is on sunday.. cant wait..with all the though its my birthday.. haizz..silly me..hahahaha.. well he is my boyfriend anyway..hahahah.. must be happy lorh... hahah..
my sis has become a boo freak... boo is the little girl from monster inc. the cartoon la.. i noe she is cute but my sis is really a boo freako.. she loves it alot.. hahah.. well i'm a stitch freak.. i'm proud..he is so cute.. i know he is a genetic alien from outer space but he is cute..check out my collection....lolx!!!

nice right.. i'm still out there to hunt for more..
wont blog tom i think but will on sun with pics of course.. i;m the photographer on that day.. =p
and i will take my revenge on my bro-in-law!!!you're on..hahahahaha...

the draft.. not yet complete.. check out the complete version on sunday!!=p
p.s. andre frinch jr is back..wakakakakakakkaka...thx for ur comment....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


last year during this week, i was in mssmkl and quite unexpected things happened. the unforgetble one is my injury and also something regarding love.
today officially one year my leg is lil bit cacat. thx to hurdles..hahaha.. my ankles was quite bad.anyway because of that something else which was nice happened too.=p
hahahaha,, only selected ones knew it..hahaha...
talking about love which i shoudnt..hahah.. actually i got tired of it.. weird but true it is boring!!!!
maybe because i have no intention on it anymore la..
anyway my main point here is it, if u really like someone, lets just be straight, just tell them.. doesnt really matter whether you're guy or girl. but guy do make the first move..wakakaka...
any oh yeah, dont be sad or angry or frustrated or irratated if that person deny, coz there are so many other people la.. just take it as tidak ada jodoh..hahaha.. weird why i wana post this.. seriously i duno wat to post actually..hahaha

finally i've finished my KPA paperwork.. n oh SH*T i still have oral to re-do it..haizz... to lil for my eng teacher.. haizz..knowing the fact this is my last oral, still its pressuring lorh!!!@-@

H/W are nearlly done.. but kerja kursus moral still havent start..not even one paper.. wonder wen.. including nickson's deco..haizzz...

thinking wheter i shud o shudnt attend tom's bio class.. en rohani sure will get angry but______________.
you fill in the blanks....

i go ot tak...hahaha

i shall go and sleep on my royal bed.. tat royal..nitezzzzzz

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


i was quite benggang today coz i gave my name for netball within the house but they said my name wasnt in.. so i got angry but take it calmly and said tak pe r.. korang pergi aku kat kelas.. so i was in class wit bad n were laughing until school end.. hahhaha..

talking about netball. i was in my church's netball team since lama kan.. hehehe...i enjoyed myself during those time. but the best was last year. me and mel and claudia was in too.. beside we did get new faces which was really fun!!! we rnjoyed talking laughing and playing of course.. wish i can go back. i still remember we have practice on this same day last year..haha..memories mah.. whr can forget... eventhough we didnt win and i got myself injured, but it was really fun.. loved those days..hahaha....

Monday, March 9, 2009



this quote is actually from mother is really wonderful and superb for me la. as i read each word, there is always something that will struck in my mind and my heart. weird i know..hahaha..
my friends always told me to be selfish but i refuse to do so. sometimes it good to be selfish but i does it rarely due too? i dont know..hahaha. perhaps it is my nature. so when i talk to my friends and they will actually scold me for being like.. from their opinion i'm the type that will make other happy but doesnt care bout myself. i know we shouldnt do that often but hey you cant change the nature right. i do get angry at times but after telling it loud or cry a little bit by myself or infront of friends i will forget about it. i will re think of what happened and take it as one of the life's challenge..haha.. i'm freakshly talking crap..

anyway, back to school after two days MC..haha.. so i was on hols for 5 right.. i'm so bloody lazy to go back tom.. sigh.. had to.. dah lah maths 2 masa.. followed by add m3 2 masa.. oh dear... maths gona sleep and add m3 have to wake up.. hahahah...

till then.. showzz....i mean chowzzz...hahah.. typing error.. can change but who cares kan..


Thursday, March 5, 2009

sleeping sleeping ansd more sleeping

stayed at house today since i got myself mc for two days.. today n tom la.. u noe wat,, they didnt even study. not to say didnt study at all just after recess.. i shud've went to school la.. haiyo.. wasting only.. haizzz... anyway enjoyed myself today in bed.. all day long... damn nice.. hujan pulak tu.. lagi best ku tidur.. wakaka...
finally.. collected them all. just need to read and waiting for A GIFT!!!!..not sure when its cumin out...
sleeping all day actually makes u tired.. hahaha.. tom i'm back since i'm representing my house for long jump.. wish me luck!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


oh dear lord!!!!!
i'm SICK!!!! after 8 months..i think.. or more...anyway..i'm tired and i just want to sleep but cant.. have to do paperwork..which is pending.. and have to prepare my lisan for both bi and bm..the last lisan for my schooling days..hahahaha....must do well la.....hehehe
here i am..coughing and sneezing..cant believe the medicine didnt work at all..

went to school yesterday for PIBG but escaped once it started..went to physic lab to do my peka.. which we suppose do last year btw...i can just sleep all day long..thats what i am going to do after my maths h/w... hahaha....

dont know what to post.. will try to find somethign interesting...

p.s. whoeva wants to join trip to Tman Rimba Ilmu, UM with members of KPA of SMK Puterijaya(including me i think) come this saturday..lolx.. promoting.. the place is very nice...:P