Friday, May 20, 2011


Everyone is different. Each has their own taste, personality, behaviour, and the list goes on actually. That's what make people special, everyone is DIFFERENT...

I came across with many people in my life. Those I like very much, those I love, those I hate ( very very very few :O), those I really don't want to have any contact with ( NOT NOW, NOT EVER). Each of them has a memory with me. Some of it are really precious and at times, I wish I can go back time and re live that moment with that person. There are certain people where I really wish I never met them due to some reasons, but I suppose things has to happen the way it is written. What can we do right?

There are also some people where they don't talk to me or ignore me when they're upset with me or on something else. Those people are really close to me and I wonder why they behave such. Maybe they love me too much or vice versa. But at the end, things will be fine, I'll act as if nothing happened even though I know something was wrong. I have seen these things happened in my life before and it's still happening. The only thing I hope when I encounter these thing is, everything will be fine, soon...

As I said, everyone is different. It's how they are and we can't change anything about it. I know myself. I know how I behave and I can't change myself in certain things... People around me just has to accept me and live with it just like how I do with them...

Ps/ I know this post is kinda boring, but WTH...:P

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