Saturday, April 25, 2009

not myself

i'm feeling lonely..
i'm feeling gloomy..
i'm not myself..
who can answer this question??
i want to stay away from everyone. but at the same time i cant...

gosh.. i'm feeling out of the world since yesterday.. no idea why... i dont feel good.. weird though.. went ts to play bowling and seriously i was not enjoying myself. just a lil laugh her and there then i'm in my won world back.. i dont know why.. not sure whether my friends noticed it or not.. but i think they did. things are not like they use to be. Am i stress? or what is it?? i'm not thinking anything but i'm thinking something.. haih...

dear readers,
very sorry for this post.. thought wana upload pics of today..(even it is just a few) but i have no mood..

going to church and got class after that dont know what is going to happen. but i gotta start preparing for my mid term now..
till then.. chiow..


Friday, April 24, 2009


finally the pond work has finished!!!
hahahaha.. hmm now i really have to concentrate on my studies...wakaka.. intervensi 2 has just finished and oh my god!!! bm was like...... tat should explain.. the result hahahah.. no idea how it is going to be...bla bla...

bowling day tom.. yepi.. wana see them play.. nickson will be joining.. sure pics will be up...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


updated version.. yeah it has been loooooooooooong time.. nearly one month.owh havent..hahaha..
well lotz of things had taken place.. let see.
1) sports day..
hahaha.. congrats to yellow house to lose again.. well atleast we werent the last.. no 3 still ok la.. saphire won.. congrats to them. lets say we let them to win la.. kesian mah.. hahahhaaha.. manage to get one medal. itu pun no 3.. apa kisah.. aslkan dpt lorh.. wakakakakaka... was extremely tired and wasnt tat sport active..duno y.. i was to lazy for tat.. hahaha...

2) good friday
the day tat christ died for me.. luv u lotz...
my sis was too sweet tat day. she came to school and pick me up early.. terima kasih.. really it was weird u did tat...

3) hari kantin/holy saturday..
gosh i wa really tired after cooking burger for hari kantin plus we had to finish our mengubahsuaikan kolam and go to church.. but it was really fun though.. we were laughing and eating burger and swimming and playing in the rain.. all are memoried man.. hahahhahaha..

4) easter..
went to church.. too holy kan.. hahahaha.. biasalakan..
went for bowling after that. i cant believe that i can play quite well.. i didnt wanted to at first but it was fun eh.. soon next game...ahahaha

5) curiculum week.
well before that a BIG thing happened.. no need to post about tat la.. lupakan saje.. heheee..
bm drama and bi drama was awesome.. we were laughing for both. it was really damn funny.. we changed basically 95% of the dramas..hahahaha.. who cares as long as we have fun..

i guess thats all. suppose go to tuiton today but was too lazy.. i guess it is ok snce it is only form 4..hahahhaha... next week must go... intervensi is on monday back to really hard studying.. less sleepinh..haish.. spm is just around the corner.. yeah i noe..

hmm back to studying after this.. my next post will be next saturday about bowling.. hahahah.. till then. chowzzzzzzzz