Friday, February 13, 2009

valentine's day!!!

one week and i'm offcially STRESS!!! again!!! hahaha... biasala kan.. stress is my middle name..huhu.. hmm valentine's day is tom n me no valentino..=(wth i dont hv valentine for the past 17 years..hahaha... valentine will b just another normal day for me!!INTERVENSI 1 is next week and all the form 4 is out.. revision had only done 1%hehehe.. have to study overnight lorh..haiz,, start back my stuff...

school is tom n my nephew no school...kurang ajor sikit.. aku terpaksa bgn pagi dia pula tidur..haiz...
till then chowzz.. n oh yeah..c the pic below!!!!



Anonymous said...

Well aren't you too young to go under STRESS??
You should learn to take things as they come and not rush it. I am working now, and i take things as they come, i don't rush say to complete a 10 page report in a day! I take my sweet time.. ;)

Oh btw... check out my blog when ur free...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

RIght, Hi Sammy girl... I don't know if what i posted earlier would actually appear but I wrote A LOT!!!!
What a bummer.... sometimes technology really gets to me.
Yeah...not really a pro at these things yet.
So what did I say earlier...let's see.... yup the most important is the cross country secret. HeY, I want to know what happened and I am not requesting. Its an ORDER!
For the name HALCYON I don't feel very calm and peaceful right now after losing all i typed and thought I posted earlier!!!
Anyway, was grumbling about being tired after a long week with only a day off last week and having work to finish this weekend for my organisation and of course, got up to work out at 5 am but will crash later as always happens to me anyway.
AM alone right now with the cleaners cleaning up. My two heroes are out, one having class the other taking the other one for the class.
So, here's what i call time to myself and really appreciating it. But wish i was really alone.
Tomorrow i have to go to temple as it is the run up to MAHA SHIVRATHRI where devotees of Lord Shiva stay awake the whole night on the 23rd - Monday as thanksgiving for HIS greatness. There's more to that story. But I cannot stay awake as I think i will then pass out literally at work. Get what I mean. That would not go down to well with the administration. And I have a very important meeting to prepare for on Monday which i am, feeling so lazy to prepare for right now!
Hey why's your post a comment on - so tragic - as in what's with the DIE???
Look at life positively my dear. How about live, smile, laugh, love, liberation??? or brotherhood??? or peace?? See, St Francis of Assisi himself has said that "it is in dying that we are born to eternal life" So my dear, why not celebrate life and not brood over something negative such as die.
Take my word, girl, it makes a difference.
Hey, even you blog holds some pain that's close to your heart. Let that be your voice and once you have voiced it let it go.
Sam, the 'Swadhyaya' tells us that 'pain is a blessing in diguise' that we learn and move on. The 'Swadhyaya' is a Hindu teaching.
Ok, Ok, enough of that but I seriously recommend you change that if you can - for me??
Right Sam, HAPPY WEEKENDING and good luck on those papers for intervetion next week.
As for the EST assignment - don't sweat - it is easy if you get what I am trying to explain.
Love you always - HALCYON