Friday, August 27, 2010

those days.....

Its funny how things are now. We use to say we are not going to leave anyone of us but who knows what is fated. Ive moved out first and the next was Bad and Atiq seems to be busy with work and Susu has to babysit. ALL of us has our own lives now to look ahead and it is for our future. Studies, family, work seems to be all that we have now.
The last gathering we had was on Atiq's birthday and we didnt really spend much time together. I was rushing and things were like upside down. Not to forget I do miss how things were. Days we used to LEPAK together. The time we dithced kadet polis and KRS, went for swimming. Had pizza there. Influenced by songs. Text everyday eventhough we see each other everyday. The time we registered together at the tuition center and it was Susu first tuition. The time we hang out after tuition class at mamak store and have roti canai and ais kosong. The time we shared food in the canteen. The time we actually told all the stories. The time we cried. The time we got worried about each other. The time we slapped, pinch, and pull of tudung. The time I carried Susu. The time Susu's slipper flew and it was because of Bad. The time we re-do the kolam. The time I was mood out. The time we dont know what to do. The exam time. And the list seems to be going on and on and on....
Well, its true what people say, You gotta move with the time. Hopefully those time will come back. Atleast we'll have stories to talk about....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

after a month..

Few things happened around.. Let me start from the scartch..

1) My oath taking ceremony.

It was ok. Nothing so great about it. Its just about us taking the oath but the interesting part was the dato's speech where he actually encouraged us to seek for new one after a break up."CULTIVATE THE NEW ONE" LOL.. yes we will dato...

2) Chris has to leave.

yeah sadly he have to. he got his scholarship n leave to aimst.. wow thrs a goood future for him. im very sure he"ll do well.. We also managed to do a farewell party for him, and he teared..awwwwwwwwwwwwwww..

3) WE VOlunteer to do social service.

this was awesome. we volunteer to clean up the zoo but at the end we (shangkra, yuni, me and sendrew) got ourselves get wet in the rain which was really nice. we even had ice cream after that. the cleaning up was not bad.. a very good experience. lol

4)anatomy project

we have to build a model of thorax n pectoral girdle. it was fun coz ours was the most coulourful n unribacage look like

5)mid sem

my mid sem sucks n was ok.. physics sucks was like lost seeing the paper..

and now this week, the whole week i didnt have class n its public hol tom.. YEAY!!!!

so my routine for the next 3 days is, sleeping, fbing and sleeping.. eating is not in the list...