Tuesday, February 24, 2009


you know what?? i just hate you!!!this post is really meant for you!!!
what is you problem?? why dont you let me in peace and stop coming into my life.. i've given you a lot.. can you change youself?? stop bugging if possible.. no use for the words you said or the things you do but you're attitude is just the same.. are you taking revenge or helping me?? if it is a revenge? why?? if it is helping its ok.. just leave it..
i had enough of it and what i heard as really made me pist.. to you i have no words for you anymore...


Saturday, February 21, 2009


hahaha..me back!!!
after one week me writting oops typing back..huhuhu.. alright.. intervensi was fine except for BM BIO EST!!! sorry teacher for est.. will do better..=p
left two papers only..yepi!!!!;) but its add m3 and che..=(..haizz... after that i'm burried with paperwork..

well, today is my regular blog reader a.k.a AndreFinch Jr's birthday!!! so HAPPY BIRTHDAY yar..
god bless you!!!=p
i didnt type ur name kay.. dont throw me in dungeon all..hehehe...

can't wait to finish my papers.. as for my other friends they still have paper on tue.. i'll be free!!! but i'm sure add m3 i'm gona fly and che i'm gona jump..hahahaha...

thx to halycon for a very loooooooooooooooong comment.. hehehe. but i like it la.. nothing happened today.. just an ordinary weekend..monday come faster..

will con't to do add m3 = den zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


Friday, February 13, 2009

valentine's day!!!

one week and i'm offcially STRESS!!! again!!! hahaha... biasala kan.. stress is my middle name..huhu.. hmm valentine's day is tom n me no valentino..=(wth i dont hv valentine for the past 17 years..hahaha... valentine will b just another normal day for me!!INTERVENSI 1 is next week and all the form 4 is out.. revision had only done 1%hehehe.. have to study overnight lorh..haiz,, start back my stuff...

school is tom n my nephew no school...kurang ajor sikit.. aku terpaksa bgn pagi dia pula tidur..haiz...
till then chowzz.. n oh yeah..c the pic below!!!!


Saturday, February 7, 2009


what a boring day..was fullt into paperwork today.. had to do all the paperworks required for Nature Society camps and so on.. updated my facebook and friendster.. wont be online for some time..but blog will be updated..hehehehe.. biasala kan.. den pity my regular blog reader wont have anything to read..=P

thaipusam is tom and i'm very sure batu cave will be superb with the crowds and the lights and so on.. too bad i cant go due to some stuffs.. haiz...hope can go next year..

i'm freakishly bored ryte now.. gtg n clean my room up..

P.S. intervensi is on 16!!!!!aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Friday, February 6, 2009

my phone!!=(

wat the smell la...haiz.. sumthing is wrong with my phone.. wait till my sis finds out.. she is goin to freak out!!but guess i can cover it.. had cross country todya.. and sumthing bad happened to me..*secret* dont want to malukan myself..huhu...
i;m bored tired.. my legs are killing me.. talking bout crosss country dont really like it coz u hv to run a very long distance which is menyakitkan.. but this year the distance was kinda short..
wish sumone can really press my leg..

had to do research on sexual and asexual reproduction..tooooo many stuff la.. wonder how to put it in my essay..hmmm.. will think bout it later.. ryte now.. i nak pergi tidur kot.. hahhaha....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

story time...hehehe


I saw you and I wondered….

Nothing came up in my mind at that moment. Just believing and taking you as my friend. But when days, hours, minutes, seconds passes by, that believing part changed. Is it love? Or just a simple crush or an affection towards you beyond my hope of life. After all the bitterness that I’ve been through, is it really you the one whom I suppose to have? It struck my mind. But I knew at that moment you like someone else. I knew, you just took me as your friend. A best friend nothing more than that. However, something told me, it will work out. It you and I were meant together.

And when I was ready, at least I think I was, I told you but you said NO. My heart broke into pieces, crushed, stabbed and I felt I left alone. Then I taught… Was it really a no or but because of the circumstances that you are in?
And I taught again, so what if you say no. I still don’t want to lose though. Perhaps be with you as friend. Maybe for now, maybe forever…wondering will you accept me as your friend or just ignore me for the mistake I did…

Its all depends on YOU!!!!

You agreed to be my friend but will it be like that until my last breathe or stop in between? Confusion was full in my mind. Wonder what’s going to happen next. I will be there for you but will I be waiting? Am I actually ready to convert my mind to another person? Or will you realize the love I have in you and come back? Or go to her? I know she is better than me in all the things you expected for your girl to be but why her? So many unanswered questions running in my mind day and night... who is going to answer this all? You, me or the GOD?

Time is passing by and the only thing is happening is that I know more about you. You don’t know anything about me. Having a hard time in social life, and only one thing will cheer me up. Reading your messages or have a look at your picture. Why is it happening to me? I never felt like this before? Why???

It has been 2 years, and no response from you despite being a good friend. I’ve tried my level best for you to notice me but I guess I have failed. You still treat me as you friend. And I couldn’t take my mind from you. I declined those who asked me because I was having a feeling that you will love me. But I guess my believe was wrong.

This is the story that happen in a girl’s life. The love she had on him was just lefted like that even though she told him. Want to know what happen next?

While she was walking near the roadside, she was thinking too much about him. She wasn’t herself at that moment. A split second before she could turn back, when she heard someone called her from back; a car just came and knocks her out. And that someone was the guy she loves. He was actually on his way to tell her the love that he had on her. He loves her before she told him but just he couldn’t accept her at that moment.

He ran towards her, and just sat beside her. He tried his level best to get her consciousness back. But her condition was very bad. He rushed her to the hospital and she was under ICU. After a few minutes, the doctor came by to him, telling that she can’t live anymore. If you want to say any last words you may go in. His heart was crushed at that point. Without wasting any time, he went inside. He sat beside her. Hold her hand and called her name by her ear. He told her I love you. And she died with a smile. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He taught for a moment, why I denied when she asked me? And now I’ve made a mistake that can’t be changed now or forever.

Since that day until now, he never loved anyone else. He knew the true love that she had on him. He spends most of his times at her favorite places. It makes him to think about her and that what he wants.



Tuesday, February 3, 2009

life must go on...

pretty an adult topic today..hahahaha..me close friends tend to tell me i'm a good adviser yet i dont take the advice to my life itself.. weird i know.. perhaps it is call stuborness.hahaha..
posted a poem yesterday n oh yea.. dear cindy, it is exactly and really from my BRAIN & HEART.... not telling i'm heartbroken due to something(even its 98 % true)heheh.. i'm recovering..besides can consider hv recovered.. there are many dolphins in the sea.. told by a friends of mine and actually his father told him.. hahhaa..

life has to go on.. ups and downs shoudnt stop la kan... sad, happy, missery, failures, success.. all cums n goes in life.. we as humans has to move forward and just dont stuck and try to stay for a longer time in that particular time.. so till then me will be happy!!!!!:)

first day of school after 10 days of hols and boy its so boring! one of the block in my school did not have electricity. students in that particular class were moved and one of the class moved to my class.. we had to go to makmal 1 and there were no electricity!!!!! just until before recess. thank god for it. other than that classes were usual.. got our school magazine.. n i look funny in some of the candid pics..hahah..hate those pics actually.. if they want to snap me tell la.. atleast i can give a good shot or something.. tis wan..i look like half dead fish which actually trying to survive and trying level best to find water to live...hahha...

me very tired currently.. wana clean dishes have drink then oni go flat.. will think of a topic tom.. till then signing of...zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, February 2, 2009

poem created by us!!!

I hate you!
You lied,
you cheated,
i believed you a lot..
yet you lied to me with all those lies..
how could you be like that?
dont you feel bad about it?
it might be your choice,
but that is selfish..
Let this be the last for me,
as i wish upon the star,
not to experience this again..
i wish i had a time-machine,
for me to go back..
but sadly my wish wont ever come true..
who shall i blame??
you, me or the one create us..
all i have now is the memories,
it will be in my head until you confront yourself,
till then i wont bother you..
as life has to be continued,
no matter what happen...
*you caught me by your eyes,
you attracted me by you smile,
you seduced me by you talks,
yet your lies hurt me alot!!!!!!

*courtesy of bad!!!