Monday, January 2, 2012


New Year, New Weeks, New Days, New Hours, New Minutes, New Seconds.. and so on.. Everything is going to be new simple because its the begining of new year. I've learnt many things in 2011 and I'm going to take it as lesson and be a better person this year.
2011 was full of memories. Ups and Downs. Ive already blogged about the recap. Some of the lessons that I decided to keep it is like study hard. Really hard. And ways to manage time. I really push myself to study and I manage to score well. I was very happy with my final result in my third semester in Foundation. It was the first time I scored all A's. Many say I'm a smart student actually I'm not. My understanding level is low and I really need to work hard. That's the difficult part. I'm super duper lazy.:P Its a part of me which I can't remove no matter how hard I try. I would rather sit and do nothing than study.:p I don't do extensive leterature reading. It's BORING!! :P
Since I CAN get good result, I just gotta work hard.:)

Other than that, I learned that I shouldnt depend on others or specifically on one particular person. Life would be very hard when that person is not beside you all the time. So, one should be independent all the time. You never know what's going to happen next. I should always stand for myself no matter what. People are always around you. You just have to find them. Everyone is there for you. It's okay to be alone at times, its good actually. You'll have ample of time to think about how important others can be and other random stuffs. At times, it can be lonely or you'll just stress yourself. So, what comes in, your other friends. Make friends with others and KEEP IN TOUCH with them. They can really be helpful. I started to talk to my new housemates. At start, I thought they are noisy and I decided to just be myself but then I begin to feel lonely. So, I started to talk to them and they are really GOOD people. Both of them.:) I enjoy being with them. Make fun of each other, cook together and so on. Not only them, my classmates as well. Particularly, the two people that I basically hang out everyday. Jess and Gaya. Both are really AWESOME! They helped me a lot in various things and I'm GLAD I have such friends. :) I really hope I'll be in touch with them forever. Even in HEAVEN.:P

Always think in various ways. Something I should really apply for the rest of my life.LOL.. I always jump to conclusion. I don't think broadly and ended up getting hurt. Then comes in the crying part. Its not healthy to cry everyday. Its not healthy to be sad, emo, depressed everyday. This is what was happening for most of the days last year. Hopefully it wont be again this year. I should smile and laugh more. I should be like how I was when I entered MSU for the first time. Even that time, I changed a lil. I remember when I met a friend of my mine(my secondary schoolmate) she said, you've changed. You're not the happy shirley I know. I was like, WHAT??!!! XD Sadly badly, what she said was TRUE. I was in emo most of the time and trust me its BLUEK!!!! I just ran out of the topic. Back to the main ideaXD ah yes, so I should think in many ways. People are different so what they do will be different as well.

And maybe I should reduce my weight a little more. I'll be getting GOOD talk from Sendrew and now Jess as well. hahahaha... lol
In 2012, I'm going to eat healthy. To keep myself fit and stop losing weight. lol. I will.. Eat properly

One more thing, If I come up with something I should think wany many times before suggesting it to others. If not I'll end up cancelling it which affects others and that's not a GOOD thing. Perhaps I should just stop giving suggestions. Works better. :P

Finally Ive learnt, I'm not going to BOTHER on many things which gives my heartaches. Its not a good thing. Seriously, not bothering on certain things can prevent you from being hurt. So why bother. XD Give importance on things that are important to you. Your life will be much easy and happy..:)

Oh and one more. hehehe.. TALK! I'm going to talk to people if I have something which makes me uncomfortable. Mainly to one lar, but If he is busy, then my classmates or my sister or my housemates or whoever that I find FREE at that momment.. Sorry lar, its better to talk than keeping it to myself and mourn. Or Ill just BLOG it out..:P
My New Year Resolution :)
  • Smile often
  • Study properly
  • Keep my results contant
  • Dont bother on many things
  • Love more
  • Understand others in a better way
  • Be selfish on certain things
  • Hang out more
  • Get back in touch with friends
  • Save money
  • Stop thinking of work (unless its my sem break)
  • Give present to people on their birthday
  • Blog more often
  • Take care of myself

Let's see whats 2012 has for me. Hopefully I'll be fine and I'll be able to get through whatever that is fated for me..:) Have A Good Year People!!! :)

1 comment:

Gaya 3 said...

i like the part give present to ppl on their birthday......hehehehehehe...=p