Monday, September 10, 2012

long holiday....:)

It's not like I was away on a real holiday. Only my blog was. :P

My last post was about time. A very short one actually and I had sort of less time to update or lost with what should post. At times I would tell myself, ALRIGHT NO MATTER WHAT I'M BLOGGING TONIGHT but something will come up and just grab my attention. So yes. Now I'm back. :)
Well, let see what should I say for July. For me, July is the month of romance. Not that my love was here and I went out him but just some memories. We started to get to know each other more during this month. Hence, there are so many precious memories. :) 
So finally it's two years officially. Exactly, on 29th July. I won't say we are the happy couple whom are happy always. We did had many downs. Many cryings and rough things which hurt both of us and made us upset. However, we still hold on to each other. Since we are not together, I mean side by side to celebrate this year, I did a video for him. :)
It's just a simple video. I didnt know what else I can do. Beside that, I have another special occasion on 29 July, My love's birthday. heehhe.. My niece birthday. I would consider her as my daughter. I love her a lot and she is very precious to me. She is very cute and can melt me just by her smile. Here is my niece. My love. She shares her birthday with her mother. So, all the attention gets to the daughter. :P Other than that, I was busy ''preparing'' for my mid-term. Actually, I only started studying a day before the exam and guess what, I screwed all the paper. I was very disappointed with my exam because I know I didn't well. I know I didn't prepare as how I did for previous papers. So, even before my lecturers tell me my result, I know it already. It's very PREDICTABLE. :p  August is also a special month for me cause it's Sendrew's birthday month. hehehe. I get more excited for his birthday than he himself. He was kinda down because he wasn't with his family.:( Even I was down. I even came out with my own quote,
Even if you're surrounded with many people on a special day, without some special people, the day is insignificant. 
So, yeah. I know I'll be missing his birthday next year as well. Just have to be strong. However, he did told me he had an awesome time with his friends.:)   Happy Birthday Sendrew! :D Me and Gaya planned to work for Raya break at MCD but UNFORTUNATELY, the management didn't get back to us. We got angry and decided to go back to our places. I had a very relaxing time back home. I visited my friend.:) We had a long talk after a very long time.  After the raya break, I was waiting for 29th. hehehe.. Sendrew's flight back to Malaysia. I was so EXCITED but afraid as well. I didn't want the past to repeat. 
And, it didn't. He managed to meet me up few days after he came back and that made me smile. :) He got me something and I gave him something as his birthday present. :)
That's just the card which I kept for more than 9 months. Lol..
Going through the box...
Bored?? hahahaha.. He was very shock and happy. Smiling all the way.. I still havent get a proper outing with him. I was very happy to see him but I havent get the satisfaction yet. Hopefully I will before he fly back. One thing I learned, when I have a problem or unsatisfaction with something that is related to us, I should tell him directly instead of keeping to myself. Everyone has their moody times even my myself. I know how moody and sensitive I can be. SO, nobody is perfect even if you try to be one. One will never suceed it. Same goes to relationships. There is no perfect relationship is world. Every couple eventually will have something which can be very ugly yet they still hold on. If they break it off in the middle, then they don't love each other. However, there are some relationship that has to stop in the middle because of the people. We cant be as how people want us to be. It is difficult. Changing is difficult but if you really want, then you can.  When I was going through some page today, I came up with one picture stating, In relationship, there should always be give and give and not give and take. I always tell my friends that, there should be give and take in a relationship. However, now I realise. There should be give and give. If we want give and take, then its not a relationship. Anyway, I'm talking a lot as if I'm God of Love and an expert in a relationship. All, I have to do now is FOCUS on my studies, listen to what my love says(LOL) and keep in touch with my friends.  That's all for today.. Good night!!!! :) zzzzzzzzz

Friday, June 29, 2012


Many say time is very precious. You can never get back yesterday neither you can get tomorrow. Why go so far right? You can't even  get the next second of the day itself. Its so freaking precious and priceless. Once it is passed, its gone..WOOOSH! Just like that...

It's been some time since my last post. I was too busy or I would rather use the term LAZY. Laziness and me is two inseperable soul...LOL

Why am I talking about time? I really wish for it to run fast.LOL.. Some would know what I mean..
I told a friend of mine last Tuesday that even if you have that one special minute dont waste it. You never know when you will get it and I'm very sure you would regret of that one minute. At times I wonder, does all this waiting for that time or to be specific my time is going to be worth it or is it just a waste of my time and I'm going to end in disappointment? God knows the answer.
Now it's time for me to buzz of from this emo-ing thingy and get myself back on track. For me exam is just around the corner even though I have one month! :p.... Should start studying!
ps/ I really hope my plan will come true or else I just gotta wait. I still have time to do I think,,,hmmmm... :S

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Match Made in Heaven....

This is a very random post, seriously. I was chatting with Sendrew yesterday and this particular question struck my mind, "Define Match Made in Heaven" He said, us and I laughed. It's actually something sweet but I asked him to tell more and he asked me. I said I don't know and he said don't know as well.

I couldn't resist of asking it to my friends and so I did. They gave very interesting answer.LOL. So this is just my point of view.

I think match made heaven are two people that share love from the second they become one till death despite all the ups and downs they meet in the middle. So, one can only know whether they are really meant to be together or not at the end and this will probably be discovered by their friends, relatives or kids.
Being in Love is an awesome thing but at times people tend to use it in an inappropriate way. Hence, comes the break ups, problems, and there goes the saying, ''SINGLE ROCKS!''. Lol. I tend to laugh when I look at these things now. I was once a person that used to say that line but things change. Perhaps I'm in a relationship right now and I can find the difference before and now. Match made in heaven are truly based on destiny. Nobody knows their right person. Things can even change once one is married. So, nothing is permanent in life. I believe it's their own will of creating their relationship as made in heaven. Overcoming all the small misunderstandings, the big fights, the uncomfortable part between each other and more.
So instead of hoping for a match made in heaven, create one..:)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Love's Birthday...:)

No worries. It's my nephew's birthday today! He is my LOVE!hehe. I know him since born and now he is 10 years old! Oh my GOD! I still remember him as a small baby 10 years ago. That's right. He born when I was 10 and now he is 10! Look how time flies. I have no idea why, he won't irritate me. He reminds me of myself a lot. Like how I used to be when I was young. Besides he does whatever I do, like being a prefect, choosing PBSM, in the food and drink I like. He tend to compete with me but yet he can't. hahaha.. He always ask the others ''Why Shirley born before me?''LOL! He will always be my dear in my heart no matter what. He doesn't call me aunty and I don't like that and he knows it well. So, shirley or to be precise "tikus" makes me smile all the time..(even though it can be annoying at times)
Today he is officially 10 years old. A very big boy! LOL.
I went to my sister's place early in the morning today. The plan was, I suppose to fetch him(by walking) from his school, bring him back home, take lunch, go Times Square, watch The Hunger Games, go Papa John's for dinner then hit home. 
BUT, there were slight change.:P I did went to his school by walking and after a while the father came by motorbike..arrghh....He purposely made me to walk. According to him, I'm being too lazy and he wants me to exercise.:S Then we went on TRIPLES on the bike back home.hehehe..Lunch was super duper HEAVY! 
Then we went to Times Square to watch movie with my elder sister and him. Cindy couldn't join cause she had to be in a meeting.LOL. A loyal worker.:P Before the movie, we did a little shopping for three of us. All three of us got t-shirt from PUMA. Wohoa!
Movie time!!! I actually regreted of choosing that movie. I wanted to watch THE VOW but it wasnt appropriate for Nickson. I would rate The Hunger Games a B-. I still don't get the point of the game. Its nonsense.LOL. Why must they film such movie? But trust me, It was thousand times better than Winter's Bone.LOL!
After the movie, Cindy came back and instead of taking dinner at Papa John's we decided to just take away Chessesticks(since its his and my favourite.:P) We took the cake and hit home. The moment we got home, we started to "swallow" the cheese Just in a while it went missing.:P
We were waiting for his father to cut cake. 
Nice right..:P He wanted MU cake this year and that's Cindy's responsibility to get it.LOL!
Once the father came, we cut the cake, sang the birthday song and snapped pictures.LOL. Me, Nickson and Cindy started to webcam!:p
Around eight something, we went to Brickfields for dinner. That's all for his tenth birthday and he has more to come. In future, I'll prepare a real surprise for

Bye people!!!! :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


How many times in a day you said sorry to someone or few people? What is sorry actually? 
I think it's a very powerful word and not everyone can say it with open heart..:P
I know I'm being a philosopher right now...:P The reason why I'm blogging about this is cause I'm the type that says sorry a lot. Even for small things BUT it depends. Only if the mistake is mine, If it's not, YOU CAN NEVER EVER HEAR THAT WORD FROM MY MOUTH. That's when me being stubborn part comes in.LOL.

Saying sorry is not a big thing actually. Its shows how one can really feel their mistake and apologise to the other party. Yet to some, if you don't say sorry it's a huge thing for them. Common lar people, not everyone can be like you right..

I like so say sowie instead of sorry. LOL. It sounds more cute and "manjaish" and OBVIOUSLY I'll use that word to Sendrew. We tend to insult each other and get into misunderstanding a lot. But when one of us started to say sowie, things change. We eventually feel bad and start apologizing. Hence things will turn to normal. I suppose that's what makes one's relationship strong. By saying a simple sorry, THINGS CHANGE. It will also make the other person feel "the thing"(okay, I don't know the word and I'm thinking) what I'm trying to say is, the other person will feel its actually not their fault but they will feel one kind, so they will start saying sorry as well..
 It works among friends as well. Try to sit around, perhaps during tea time, and talk to them. On what you feel about them, let is be positive and negative. At the end say sorry ( I should do this with my friends) It helps. We will actually know what our friends really think about us. We will change the negative part and the positive part keep it on.:D
Besides it will make your bond among your friends stronger!
I did it with my secondary friends once. We talked on things we like among each other and things that we felt uncomfortable with one another.:)

That's how I feel about this word. Its a very special word and will change things. Don't ever mind saying it if the mistake is yours. Its alright actually. You're doing the right thing. So my dear people, never ever hesitate to say sorry. At times, even the mistake is not yours nevermind lar. They will realise its their mistake and they will start saying sorry. { I'm going to start doing that even though the mistake is not mine, it shows I'm being mature} XD. hahaha..:P
Its my nephew's birthday.:) My LOVE! I love him so much. I don't know why. LOL.. Will blog about him tomorrow... :P Happy Advance Birthday to him!!! Hopefully I can make his day tomorrow... hahahaha....LOL...

Friday, March 16, 2012

End of Second Semester....

I was actually suppose to post this as END OF DISASTROUS SEMESTER but I'm afraid it will repeat again. You know the saying, NEVER SAY NEVER!

Well I told my friends that I will blog today no matter what so that's what I'm doing right now.

My entire second semester was full of headache, hypertension, on and off fever and STRESS. There were even says I cried and all I did was talked to GOD. Remember what I said in my New Year's Post, talk to people and it'll make you feel better. I spoke to mt friends and my sister but I didn't get the any peace. Once I cried out to GOD and told him everything I actually felt much better. Hence, I became more spiritual.

That's the major lesson I learnt from Second Semester. BE CLOSER TO GOD. It helps in many ways. Here are some quotes that really helped during the days when I was very upset and down....

 Other than that, I also learned that it's a good thing to do early preparation for exam. My microbiology lecturer is a very strict lecturer. The only thing expects from us is FURTHER READING AND ONE MUST ALWAYS BE PREPARED BEFORE ENTERING HER CLASS. Hence, that's what I did ALWAYS before her class. It actually made me to feel relaxed during the exam. It was really easy to study and I wasn't really stressed with that particular exam. So, I'll take note of that and try to prepare everytime before a class. 

Basically thats the only two lesson I learnt. Many things happen this semester and most of it turned my days down. Days after Mid-Sem wasn't a good one. I was more stressed, worried, sad, depressed. I was counting down for the days to be over as fast as possible and ITS OVER. My FIRST SHORT SEMESTER will begin in a week and I'm going to prepare myself mentally well. 
To prepare myself physically is kinda difficult, I've put on a lot of weight. So, I'm going to EXERCISE during short semester as I only have 3 subjects. 
I'll be spending more time with these people until I finish my degree....:P
So, that's all for tonight.. Most probably I'll be bloging tomorrow as well. I'm going out!!! Wohoa!!!:)