Wednesday, March 18, 2009


last year during this week, i was in mssmkl and quite unexpected things happened. the unforgetble one is my injury and also something regarding love.
today officially one year my leg is lil bit cacat. thx to hurdles..hahaha.. my ankles was quite bad.anyway because of that something else which was nice happened too.=p
hahahaha,, only selected ones knew it..hahaha...
talking about love which i shoudnt..hahah.. actually i got tired of it.. weird but true it is boring!!!!
maybe because i have no intention on it anymore la..
anyway my main point here is it, if u really like someone, lets just be straight, just tell them.. doesnt really matter whether you're guy or girl. but guy do make the first move..wakakaka...
any oh yeah, dont be sad or angry or frustrated or irratated if that person deny, coz there are so many other people la.. just take it as tidak ada jodoh..hahaha.. weird why i wana post this.. seriously i duno wat to post actually..hahaha

finally i've finished my KPA paperwork.. n oh SH*T i still have oral to re-do it..haizz... to lil for my eng teacher.. haizz..knowing the fact this is my last oral, still its pressuring lorh!!!@-@

H/W are nearlly done.. but kerja kursus moral still havent start..not even one paper.. wonder wen.. including nickson's deco..haizzz...

thinking wheter i shud o shudnt attend tom's bio class.. en rohani sure will get angry but______________.
you fill in the blanks....

i go ot tak...hahaha

i shall go and sleep on my royal bed.. tat royal..nitezzzzzz


Anonymous said...

Too many things too lil time...I feel the same too at times....

Anonymous said...

Oh well, I have got to agree with you on this one. I brought back 'assignments', I think you know what and now i am rushing to complete them. Bio class?? Did you actually go??? Was it worth it??? Please don't tell me it is... haha! I will just pengsan. We're talking Brother RON HERE.
Well, my dear... i can't be long. Have to get to the assignments now. How was the royal bed??
Hey, with so much to do it is amazing that you had time to go down memory lane about the mssmkl and all that.... let it go lar....
See you soon. And don't forget to practice - HELLO SIR!