Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy me... :)

Finally...... :)
I'm smiling..I'm free.. I can have peaceful sleep after this.. It's OVER! WOHOA!!!!!!!!! :)

For the past 3 months, this is the first time I feel so relieved! In my life I've never felt too stress before. My blood pressure practically increases everytime and I'll just get fever out of no where. :s

I looked very bluek. For quite some time, I was looking very pale, down, stressed, sleepless... But after today, precisely after 6.00 pm I was so FREAKING HAPPY! Me and my friends went to Starbucks..TO CELEBRATE it! When we went to starbucks, things went out of control. We were really like mad people. 
This girl always look pretty no matter what....

She is so freaking lucky this sem..


Me and my housemates planned to celebrate Siva's birthday. So we went to Strawberry Farm Cafe. The place was very nice and the food really looked delicious. Unfortunately, I had maccoroni with mushroom soup. She was surprised (even though we though it was a failure but it was a success :D) 

And it ended. A good way to start my day actually. :P 

All I have to do now is STUDY! My final's starts next week Monday.. I'm going to study and do my best! I really hope things will go well.. :)

One thing I learned from this sem is PRAY. It's a good thing to keep you close to GOD. God always answers your prayers maybe not immediately but HE will one day. 

So, I'll continue my praying and whenever I'm down, I will talk to GOD first. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day..

Happy Valentine's Day! I know it was yesterday but I was very busy with my further reading so I only got a chance on blogging today. :)

How was your Valentine's Day??

I had a very unusual one this year and it's the first time I'm experiencing such thing for the past 20 years. 

My housemates suggested to go out on Monday night and celebrate outside. So I agreed to it and we also decided to exchange gifts the next day. I was very happy on Monday cause I finally saw Sendrew after a very long time. Even though it was just a while but I was so happy. Thank you to Jessica, she took me to Klang. :)
 We left house around 10.45 and went to PJ. The restaurant name was Picadily. The place was very nice and its a good hang out spot in the night. The price of the food was reasonable and the food was alright. :) 
We thought there would be proposals and all but sadly badly NOTHING HAPPENED! sigh.....:(
We came back around 1.40 something and I slept. I had class at 8 the next day but I was very excited cause Sendrew said he will be coming. 
I woke up even before my alarm rang and got ready.
Jessica told me it's the first morning I ever spoke to her A LOT and I was blushing most of the time. :P

Biostat class started and ended but Sendrew didnt reply my message or answered my call. I started to be down. :(
Until 2 o'clock, he didn't answer my call or reply any of my messages and I really got worried.
I became very EMO and was so down. I really didn't know what to do. Then started talking session with my friends. I don't know what they felt but I was so down..:(
Then, he called me, his voice was so down. He was very sick actually he still is. And I got more sad. For moment, I was like, was I wrong, my thoughts and all. I was very dissapointed but I hated myself for thinking such things. After that, I was fine but got really stressed with further reading. 

Then I realised, I really started to jump into CONCLUSION so fast and that's not a healthy thing for me or for my relationship. So, next time I should really take a time and think and many different aspects. 
 Jessica has this book on poems for encouragement (I think i'm going to get one as well) and I came across with this poem. It's too sweet... :)

"In my eyes there no lies, no vision,
but the sight of you dear face.
In my heart there is no feeling 
but the warmth of your embrace.
In my mind there are no thoughts,
but the thought of you my dear.
In my soul no other longing
but just to have you near.
All my dreams were built around you,
And I've came to know it's true.
In my life there is no living,
that is not a part of you."
It's a special dedication to him. Even though we didn't see each other yesterday but that doesn't mean things change. It's just another day and we will be having more valentine's day in future. I believe if you really love someone with all your heart, everyday is a valentine's day. 

okay, time to change my mode. As I was saying, I really learned something big yesterday from my inner self. 
But I also like to thank Gaya and Jess for listening to me yesterday. <3 BIG HUG!!!!!!

Time to sleep.. Finally, I'm sleeping early after a very long time..:)

Friday, February 3, 2012

100th POST!

I remember my new year resolution: Blog often.
Actually, this is my 100th post. Finally. So I really wanted to blog on something special but I couldn't get anything special. So, who cares!!:P
This post is just another random post......
My very first cheongsam.:p No worries I didn't buy it.
So, how do I look???:P

Ever since the year started, I'm not having a good time. My birthday was just alright then followed by exam than I hoped it'll be a relaxing time for me but it wasn't. 

Too many things happen. Actually, something will come up every week. Like my Anatomy result. I really didnt expect to get such result but I have to move on with it. I can't change anything after this. Then it was CNY holiday and I wasted 3 days in Shah Alam. Pity Gaya, she came from Penang for me, and it was a total WASTE! 
Then the Dean List thing! We actually have to pay for our reward which is ridiculous. However I didn't go for it and because of me Jessica didn't attend the function. 

I lost my bag! To the IDIOTIC, DISGUSTING, STUPID CREATURE that stole my bag, you're really a dumbass! Excuse me for my language but it really made me so pist! Since my exam has brought forward, my lecturer's are rushing with the syllabus. It's really hectic for them and for me. 

It was so easy to graduate in Kindergarten!
Just to get myself a degree is very difficult. I wonder how it is to study medicine or engineering.:S
I think I'll go NUTS!
I'm counting my days to end my degree. Many said You'll miss your uni life and I'm like yeah I know. When the missing part comes, I'll tell to others.:p

I finally came to a conclusion, just do my best! It's alright if I don't get what I aim for but the point is I tried.
So, all I have to keep in my mind is DON'T BOTHER!

Hopefully, I'll graduate with flying colours. hehehe.. *fingers crossed*

Ps/ Sendrew is coming back today!!! :)
Pss/ I'm gona see my girlfriend tomorrow.
Psss/I've got microbe lab report to do...

so, bye people!!!