Sunday, March 1, 2009


oh dear lord!!!!!
i'm SICK!!!! after 8 months..i think.. or more...anyway..i'm tired and i just want to sleep but cant.. have to do paperwork..which is pending.. and have to prepare my lisan for both bi and bm..the last lisan for my schooling days..hahahaha....must do well la.....hehehe
here i am..coughing and sneezing..cant believe the medicine didnt work at all..

went to school yesterday for PIBG but escaped once it started..went to physic lab to do my peka.. which we suppose do last year btw...i can just sleep all day long..thats what i am going to do after my maths h/w... hahaha....

dont know what to post.. will try to find somethign interesting...

p.s. whoeva wants to join trip to Tman Rimba Ilmu, UM with members of KPA of SMK Puterijaya(including me i think) come this saturday..lolx.. promoting.. the place is very nice...:P


Anonymous said...

Get Well Soon! I'll take you away to NeverLand...;)

shirley@sam said...

hey peter pan. thx.. u sure wana take me to neverland.. gotta think...huhuhu